Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 06

     1        asked to do by any party.
     3   MS. STEEL:  Could we also apply for the notes that Mr. Nicholson
     4        made to be disclosed, the notes he made of the picket on
     5        16th October 1989 following the service of his additional
     6        statement last night?
     8   MR. RAMPTON:  He stated that he did not make any notes.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No.
    12   MS. STEEL:   I am sorry, there was one other thing.  Sue
    13        Bramford has confirmed that she can come on Friday instead
    14        of Thursday.  If that is OK, then if we do not sit on
    15        Thursday so that I can go to the funeral.
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do not what?
    19   MS. STEEL:  If we do not sit on Thursday so that I can go to the
    20        funeral.  That was what I was asking about.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Right.  I had forgotten that.
    24   MR. RAMPTON:  I wonder whether your Lordship, since I am not
    25        going to say anything about it now because I am anxious to
    26        get on with Mr. Preston's evidence, will give maybe 5 or 10
    27        minutes at the end of today for a short discussion about
    28        what happens next week?
    30   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Certainly.  What I would like to do is, if
    31        Mr. Preston would come back into the witness box now, then
    32        if he is finished comfortably this afternoon, we will have
    33        time for that discussion.  If he has not, we will break off
    34        in time to have the discussion anyway.
    36   MR. RAMPTON:  I am grateful.
    38                        Paul Preston, Recalled:
    39             Cross-examined by the Defendants, Continued:
    41   MS. STEEL:  Yes.  I am finding my files.
    43        (To the witness): The Supplementary List of Employment
    44        Documents that was served, it is a fairly thin bundle.
    45        I do not know which supplementary list it is.
    47   MR. MORRIS:  It is called Defendants' Additional Documents
    48        Employment.  About 18 months ago, I think, it was served.
    50   MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is in Supplementary 6. 
    52   MS. STEEL:  Thank you. 
    54   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Although certainly the first document in my 6
    55        has that written across the top of it.
    57   MS. STEEL:  Thank you.  If you could turn to tab 14 in there,
    58        please?
    59        A.  Would that be 14?

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