Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 07

     1   Q.   Yes, that is right.
     2        A.  This one only goes to 12.
     4   MR. RAMPTON:  It actually has "supplemental" on the back of it,
     5        "Defendants' Supplemental List".
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is not the same bundle.  Mine does not
     8        have many documents in at all.
    10   MR. RAMPTON:  Does your Lordship have any tabs?
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Only the ones I have put in myself.
    14   MS. STEEL:   I have not got tabs in mine either, but I call them
    15        tabs because it is easier.  It is document number 14.
    17   MR. RAMPTON:  It has a "14" in a circle in the top right-hand
    18        corner.
    19        A.  OK.   It starts with "McNews"?
    21   MS. STEEL:  That is right.  Your newsletter July-August 1994?
    22        A.  OK.
    24   Q.   Have you seen this one before?
    25        A.  I am sure I have.  Again, I could not quote you
    26        verbatim what was in it but I am sure I have seen it.
    28   Q.   If you turn to page 3 of that document, it is referring to
    29        a culture audit and the results of the culture audit.  Have
    30        you seen that culture audit?
    31        A.  I think I have probably seen a summary; I am not sure
    32        I have seen the entire document.
    34   Q.   In the second paragraph it explains what the culture audit
    35        was.  It says:
    37        "Questionnaires were sent out to some" -- I do not know
    38        what that is -- "and researchers held interviews right
    39        across the business asking you to define the culture as you
    40        experience it.  The objective of the culture audit was to
    41        find out how the current culture compares with the ideal
    42        culture that senior management has defined which will best
    43        support our mission, goals and strategies."
    45        Then it says:
    47        "The results were classified under 6 dimensions of culture
    48        as follows."
    50        It quotes that in the audit somebody said that a manager in 
    51        a restaurant would never take a break.  You might sit down 
    52        for 10 minutes to eat your lunch but you would do some 
    53        paperwork at the same time.
    55        Would you accept that that generally reflects the culture
    56        at McDonald's, that people are constantly working and do
    57        not really stop to take a break?
    58        A.  I would accept that, as it says here, someone said
    59        that.  Whether it reflects the entirety of McDonald's, no,
    60        absolutely not.

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