Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 08

     2   Q.   Under No. 2, "Job Person", it says:
     4        "The survey said we have a strong job focus culture which
     5        means that there is strong pressure to get the job done.
     6        People do not feel that the Company cares all that much
     7        about their personal problems and that they are greatly
     8        valued beyond the actual work they do."
    10        Would you accept that that is a finding of this culture
    11        audit?
    12        A.  I think someone must have said it.  Whether or not it
    13        is universally true across McDonald's, I would absolutely
    14        dispute.
    16   Q.   It says the survey said rather than an individual in this
    17        case?
    18        A.  Well, again, is it everybody?  Is it two people?  I do
    19        not know.  I do not know whether they are commenting on:
    20        "Was this 51 per cent of the answers", or:  "Was this 12
    21        per cent of the answers".  What was the point of
    22        prominence?  I cannot tell by looking at this.
    24   Q.   You would not accept that the words, "the survey said"
    25        means that that was the general finding of the survey?
    26        A.  Well, as I just commented, I do not know what their
    27        point was.  Was it at 51 per cent it becomes something we
    28        know?  Is it something after 15 per of the people's
    29        comments we noted?  Is it after one comment?  Up above, it
    30        seems to make reference to putting something down where one
    31        person made a comment and here it is not saying at all, so
    32        it is very difficult to say.
    34   Q.   This is your own magazine, and it is your own survey, do
    35        you really think that the Company would have printed that
    36        if it had just been what one person said and printed it as
    37        if indicating that it was the result of the survey?
    38        A.  We printed what one person said up above.
    40   Q.   Yes, I know, and it says that that is what one person
    41        said.  The one down below says "the survey said"?
    42        A.  Well, again, I do not know, if it is half the people, 3
    43        of the people, 10 per cent or 90 per cent.  I cannot tell
    44        from this.
    46   Q.   Do you have a problem with admitting where your own surveys
    47        have found that there is a problem in the Company?
    48        A.  No, I have no problem at all with it, but you are not
    49        asking me to say that.  You asked me quite a different
    50        question and I gave, I think, the correct answer to your 
    51        question. 
    53   Q.   We have talked about competition on tills and things like
    54        that for who can take the most money, or which store can
    55        take the most money and things like that.  Under No 3
    56        "Parochial Professional", it says:
    58        "We are parochial in that people identify strongly with the
    59        organisation.  We are strongly aware of our external
    60        competitors but sometimes we take internal competition too

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