Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 09

     1        far."
     3        Would you accept that is related to the in-store
     4        competition on the tills and competition between stores to
     5        maximise profits?
     6        A.  I do not know that it is to maximise profits.  I can
     7        accept that people commented on internal competition.
     8        Which bit, I am not sure.  It is a general statement.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you just help me on one general thing?
    11        There was an article in one of the national newspapers,
    12        which I think I suggested if you wanted to use it, you had
    13        it copied at the time.  I do not know if you can remember
    14        it; it is probably about a year ago now?
    16   MS. STEEL:   The whole extract from The Times pull-out?
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Do you remember that? It was comments
    19        on some kind of survey?
    20        A.  No, I do not remember.
    22   MR. JUSTICE STEEL: I think one which had been commissioned by
    23        your company itself. Do you have it there?
    25   MS. STEEL:  I do not know if that is the right one that you are
    26        referring to actually.
    28   MR. RAMPTON:  I do not know either.  I have no idea.
    30   MS. STEEL:   I think ----
    32   THE WITNESS:  There was a large supplement done in The Times
    33        commensurate of our, I think, 20th Anniversary.
    35   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  I do not think this is the one; I think
    36        I have something else in mind.  It was a sort of "what
    37        people think of us" kind of survey.
    39   MS. STEEL:   Yes.  The loud, brash American.
    41   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The only reason I ask is not to go into it.
    42        Thank you very much.  I think I am confusing two different
    43        newspapers.
    45   MR. RAMPTON:  I am confused too.  I do not have any recollection
    46        of that.
    48   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  All I wanted to ask is whether they were one
    49        and the same survey as the culture audit referred to here,
    50        but I think the answer is clearly, No, they were different. 
    52   MR. MORRIS:  The survey you are thinking of, I think, is the 
    53        customer survey.
    55   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, that is right, whereas this is
    56        employees.  Thank you.
    58   MS. STEEL: (To the witness): If you turn to page 6 of the
    59        document, it is all right to turn over by the culture
    60        audits.  How often are they done, or is that just a

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