Day 247 - 10 May 96 - Page 10

     1        one-off?
     2        A.  Internally, I am going to say this was the first one
     3        but I am not 100 per cent sure.  We may have done others
     4        previously, no doubt will do more in the future, but
     5        certainly I could not put my hand on my heart and say we
     6        have done 4 before this, I am not sure.
     8   Q.   On page 6, under "Develop a Positive Attitude", if you read
     9        down the first 3 paragraphs, is there anything in there
    10        that you disagree with?
    11        A.  I agree in general.  I am not so sure I echo the
    12        percentages per se, but I think in general it is true, yes.
    14   Q.   Right.  There is nothing there that sticks out in your mind
    15        as a ridiculous comment?
    16        A.  No, I think it is a pretty fair reflection of reality.
    18   Q.   If you could turn to page 10 of the document.  If I say
    19        that the relevant part, from the one we were just dealing
    20        with, was, "The customers putting pressures on highly
    21        stressed front-line staff".  Have you got page 10?
    22        A.  I do.  Mine is not numbered.
    24   Q.   It should numbered be in the top left corner on that page.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is the McNews page number and it is the
    27        very top left-hand corner.  They go on in numbers.  You
    28        have just been asked to look at page 6.
    30   MS. STEEL:  The Health and Safety.
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Sometimes they are top left; sometimes top
    33        right?
    34        A.  It says "Health and Safety" but there is no page
    35        number.
    37   Q.   It obviously has not come through on the copy.
    39   MS. STEEL:  This is an article there about bun toasters and the
    40        problem with buns getting stuck in the toasters, or stuck
    41        on the toasters, or whatever.  That has been something of a
    42        consistent problem at McDonald's; has it not?
    43        A.  Well, it can be a problem.  I cannot say as I would
    44        call it, you know, an every day, every store, every hour
    45        problem.  It happens, yes.  It is annoying when it does and
    46        needs to be dealt with, yes, certainly.
    48   Q.   But it is a regular occurrence; whether it is every day or
    49        every hour is another matter but ----
    50        A.  Well ---- 
    52   Q.   It is not something that is infrequent and ---- 
    53        A.  It is infrequent.  It does not happen in every store
    54        every day.  It may not happen for months at a time, but it
    55        can happen, yes.
    57   Q.   So, it is an occasional thing that happened but they,
    58        whoever it was, went to great lengths to try and develop
    59        some procedure to solve this problem that did not really
    60        cause any great problem?

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