Day 256 - 04 Jun 96 - Page 10

     1        additions of foods of animal original to an otherwise all
     2        plant diet causes the occurrence of these diseases.'
     4        "As an aside, the big investment banking firm, Smith Barney
     5        Shearson, in a report on future food marking trends,
     6        referred to our project as the 'seminal' work in this
     7        field.  Thus, it seems that its findings are being widely
     8        accepted outside the scientific community."
    10        Then, that is your signature at the bottom, is it?
    11        A.  Yes.  Actually, I do not see that.
    13   Q.   You have not got that.  But do you -----
    14        A.  No.  I listened to you carefully, yes.
    16   Q.   Do you stand by what I read out?
    17        A.  Yes.
    19   Q.   The next thing I would like to show you, before we actually
    20        come on to the China study itself, is the judge's ruling on
    21        what the leaflet we are accused of distributing is actually
    22        saying.  I do not know if you have a copy of it?  I have a
    23        copy here which is taken from the ruling that you made.
    24        (Handed)  Would you read that to yourself for the
    25        moment ---
    26        A.  Pardon?
    28   Q.   -- whilst everyone finds a copy.  I will read it out, and
    29        then I will ask you couple of questions.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  There is no need to read it out.  He has it.
    32        You ask your questions about it.  It may involve quoting
    33        parts of it to ask the question.
    35   MR. MORRIS:  OK.
    37        (To the witness)  Have you analysed the specific
    38        nutritional contents of McDonald's food?
    39        A.  No, I have not.
    41   Q.   Right, OK.  But, assuming that we establish that typical
    42        McDonald's meals are (as it says here) high in fat, sugar,
    43        animal products and salt, sodium, and low in fibre,
    44        vitamins and minerals; would a diet of such nature lead to
    45        a very real risk that you will suffer cancer of the breast
    46        or bowel or heart disease, as a result, in your opinion?
    47        A.  Yes.
    49   Q.   Can you explain why you think it would lead to a very real
    50        risk? 
    51        A.  Because when each of these factors that are high in 
    52        this kind of food are studied in some detail, and we 
    53        basically discover there is a large variety of mechanisms
    54        to show that, in fact, actually it does not work that way;
    55        so, basically, establishes biological plausibility, which
    56        is one of the cardinal rules that we have to live by in
    57        this business.
    59        Secondly, as we examine the intake of these kinds of
    60        materials, these kinds of foods as well as the nutrients

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