Day 256 - 04 Jun 96 - Page 18
1 to 170. Their high is near our low, you see. So we had an
2 opportunity of seeing what goes on if we continually
3 decrease the cholesterol level; and what we -----
5 Q. The relationship -- sorry.
6 A. What we found was, in fact, as this gradually came
7 down, the various cancers and heart diseases also came
8 down. The determinative cholesterol at these low ranges,
9 where the dietary determines cholesterol, these low ranges
10 were the same as the dietary determines the cholesterol to
11 high ranges, that is to say, higher fat intake in China,
12 higher intake of animal protein, in particular, in meats
13 and dairy and the like; and the lower the intake of fibre
14 and legumes, once this started to occur, the cholesterol
15 level started to go up, it was rather linear; and as soon
16 as the cholesterol level starts to go up, these diseases
17 start to occur, from near nothing up to something that is
18 significant.
20 So, in answer to your question, it is basically, we
21 believe, quite a linear relationship.
23 Q. I will continue to read:
25 "Chinese consume more total calories (per unit of body
26 weight), yet have far less obesity than Americans, probably
27 accounted for both by greater physical activity and greater
28 consumption of a low fat, plant-based diet.
30 "Chronic infection with hepatitis B virus" -- I do not know
31 if this is relevant, the liver cancer, but I will read it
32 anyway. "Chronic infection with hepatitus B virus is a
33 major cause of primary liver cancer. Together with the
34 highly significant nutritional findings, this cancer
35 appears to be a viral/nutritional disease, not a
36 viral/chemical carcinogen disease as previously thought.
37 (Our data on this question are more comprehensive than all
38 others combined, thus our conclusion on the role of
39 nutrition, even though different, is highly relevant).
40 Control" -- well, I will not read the rest of that
41 paragraph. (Pause)
43 THE WITNESS: I can summarise that last little bit in a couple
44 of sentences, if you want. I do not know whether -----
46 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Say what you want to say about that.
47 A. Yes. These last points here are dealing with some
48 diseases that are more common in China than in the West;
49 and so, such as with liver cancer, stomach cancer, cervical
50 cancer, in some cases stroke, it is puzzling to some
51 individuals why those diseases would be high in a society
52 that are generally consuming a lot of plant material. So,
53 it turns out that these diseases have some specific causes
54 to begin with; in other words, there is a much higher
55 proportion of people in those societies who are initially
56 susceptible to those diseases; and, with liver cancer, for
57 example, it is hepatitis B virus, and for stomach cancer it
58 is another organism called (inaudible), and so forth.
60 So, what we basically see in this kind of analysis is that