Day 256 - 04 Jun 96 - Page 25
1 readily and comprehensively by consumption of a diet rich
2 in foods of plant origin and to ensure a comprehensive
3 effect for all relevant diseases, a generous variety of
4 products ought to be used."
6 This whole report, you stand by it, do you?
7 A. Yes.
9 Q. Right. I just wanted to look at Dr. Arnott's statement for
10 some comments. I do not know where it would be exactly.
12 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is in yellow 5. Do you mean his most
13 recent one or his original one?
15 MR. MORRIS: His most recent one, please.
17 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It should be right at the back but,
18 unfortunately, I have got it in another bundle. Is there a
19 divider 12 right at the very back there of that bundle?
21 MR. MORRIS: We will need the reference of the two references
22 that Dr. Arnott referred to. I do not know if they are
23 behind his statement.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They are in Professor Naismith's bundle,
26 which is a separate bundle I think.
28 MR. MORRIS: Yes.
30 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, in the witness bundle they are behind Dr.
31 Arnott's latest report.
33 MR. MORRIS: Do you have the Dr. Arnott statement in front of
34 you, yes?
35 A. Yes if that is the one that is referred to by Medical
36 Report Diet and Cancer.
38 Q. Yes, that is correct.
39 A. Right.
41 Q. Have you had a chance to read this?
42 A. Yes, I did see this.
44 Q. Just a couple of brief questions. On the bottom of page 3,
45 Dr. Arnott refers to "cohort studies". Do you have any
46 views about "cohort studies" in the field of the links
47 between diet and cancer?
48 A. Yes. There are, as you may know, different kinds of
49 studies and this word "cohort" incidentally unfortunately
50 is rather used generally at times and not altogether
51 consistently between different investigators. But if he
52 means here by this, and I think he does, I am sorry, just a
53 second here, I need to ----
55 Q. That actual reference is not in his report.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It should be behind it. Behind there you
58 should find two articles or studies: One is in the New
59 England Journal of Medicine, and that is the one that Dr.
60 Arnott is referring to at the bottom of page 3. It is by,