Day 258 - 07 Jun 96 - Page 07

     2   Q.   Right.  The next chart.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you put reliance on these specific
     5        figures?
     6        A.  I mean, it comes from a relatively strong sample.  I
     7        mean, 800 is a fairly large sample for a piece of ad hoc
     8        research, one-off research.  But what is interesting for us
     9        is the directional movement of a number of attributes
    10        rather than the actual percentage movement in one or
    11        other.  We set objectives versus the 1992 research, which
    12        would have meant we wanted to increase food values meaning
    13        that we wanted to give people the impression there was more
    14        variety at McDonald's.
    16   Q.   I merely ask because if one looks at that page under
    17        'positive' and compares McDonald's with Kentucky Fried
    18        Chicken about the same think their food is tasty, more
    19        Kentucky Fried Chicken customers think their food is
    20        delicious, about the same think it is mouth watering, but
    21        only about two-thirds find the food tempting, which seems
    22        to me to be ludicrous.
    23        A.  We would interpret that as the power of effective
    24        advertising versus--
    26   Q.   There we are.
    28   MS. STEEL:   It might be they think it is delicious but because
    29        they know it is high in calories they are not tempted.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I know, they might not be able to speak very
    32        good English, I suppose, but it does seem a bit odd.  There
    33        we are.
    35   MR. MORRIS:  On the second page under the 'negative', just a
    36        couple of ones, we have already flagged up the high in
    37        calories and the unhealthy ones.  McDonald's score
    38        substantially greater than your competitors on those?
    39        A.  That is correct, yes.
    41   Q.   Yes.  One question on methodology, why are some boxes in
    42        squares, numbers in squares, rather than circles?
    43        A.  I think it is a means of highlighting, it was a method
    44        I remember the research company using when they presented
    45        the research.  I cannot remember to be honest.
    47   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Does it mean it may have gone up or down in
    48        some way?
    50   MR. RAMPTON:  I think, looking at an earlier document, the 
    51        circles mean that someone takes particular notice of 
    52        because it is good, and the square means the Company should 
    53        pay attention because it is bad from McDonald's point of
    54        view, and so where Pizza Hut, I imagine, scores a square on
    55        that page--
    57   MS. STEEL:   I think it is the highest and the lowest scores.
    59   MR. RAMPTON:  Sorry, I have that completely wrong.  My memory
    60        has failed completely, it is high and low.

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