Day 258 - 07 Jun 96 - Page 08
2 MR. MORRIS: There is a key which apparently says that the
3 circles are high and the boxes are low. But I do not know
4 why they picked out only certain things.
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Very well.
8 MR. MORRIS: I do not know where that takes it?
9 A. This is their only interpretation of the results in
10 presenting it back to us. I cannot actually remember the
11 system or how they used it.
13 Q. Right. So, I think we have dealt with negative. We can
14 finish with that document then. Thank you very much.
16 MS. STEEL: Just to be a little bit awkward, I want to go back
17 to the 'brand audit research', the qualitative one, April
18 '92. It is tab 6.
19 A. OK.
21 Q. This was UK research was it not?
22 A. That is right, yes.
24 Q. If you just look at pages 1 and 2, I will point particular
25 bits out. On page 1 it talks about, under the 'reasons for
26 using', 'there are American differences between heavy
27 users, medium users, light and lapsed users'. Then, on the
28 second page, on page 2, the second paragraph, 'those for
29 whom McDonald's is a thing of the past, not as good as it
30 was, as well as being lapsed users, of course, tend to be
31 male and also, to some extent, young singles'. The lapsed
32 category, that is people who basically do not go to
33 McDonald's any more?
34 A. Who are using McDonald's less. Well, no, they could be
35 either using McDonald's less or, in fact, stopped using
36 McDonald's.
38 Q. Right. But when you say 'using them less', supposing it
39 was someone who went three times a week and they were
40 cutting down to three times a month would they count as a
41 lapsed user?
42 A. They would count as a lapsed user, but probably be
43 covered by this categories within the summary of the
44 research.
46 Q. They would come under 'medium' would not they?
47 A. I am not sure that kind of rigour of classification
48 would take place at the qualitative stage because the
49 research company is really reporting back on a kind of
50 summary of what people have said. You know, I think the
51 kind of direction of what they are saying is that people
52 who appear to be using McDonald's less, or have stopped
53 using McDonald's, tend to have a certain set of attitudes
54 or ideas.
56 Q. But in, say, for example the chart, say, for example, on
57 page 12, the 'persuading someone to go to McDonald's for
58 the first time', the categories that are there, 'heavy'
59 would be people going once or more a week?
60 A. Can you--