Day 261 - 12 Jun 96 - Page 05
1 crops up in various notes of various agents. I cannot
2 remember if you noted that before, but he was saying he was
3 preparing -----
4 A. He was going to prepare a revised leaflet.
6 Q. Revised fact sheet?
7 A. An up-to-date leaflet.
9 Q. Yes. So, you have said that the fact sheets were often out
10 of stock or out of print?
11 A. The large one was.
13 Q. Yes, the larger one?
14 A. Yes.
16 Q. Did you get the impression that that was because
17 Paul Gravett was intending to revise it?
18 A. No. I had no idea why it was often unavailable, but it
19 simply was not.
21 Q. Right. You never heard anybody mention anything about
22 reprinting the fact sheet, did you?
23 A. Reprinting the fact sheet?
25 Q. Yes.
26 A. Not that I can recall specifically.
28 Q. You would have noted that if someone said that?
29 A. I would have thought so.
31 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is the one complained of?
33 MR. MORRIS: The one complained of, the one that opens out to
34 three?
35 A. Yes. I cannot specifically say I ever heard anyone say
36 they were going to have that reprinted, no.
38 MS. STEEL: The references to Paul Gravett doing the leaflet,
39 and so on, on previous occasions as well, was it a general
40 impression that it was more or less Mr. Gravett running the
41 anti-McDonald's show?
42 A. No.
44 Q. Despite the fact that he was the one that kept saying he
45 was going to reprint?
46 A. I believe on one occasion he said he was going to
47 produce a revised up-to-date leaflet.
49 Q. Revise the leaflet. I think there is more than one
50 reference in your notes. If not, then maybe I am thinking
51 of other people's notes. But you noted anything that you
52 thought would be relevant?
53 A. Yes.
55 Q. That you heard?
56 A. Yes.
58 MR. MORRIS: Last question on this day. On the first page,
59 where it was talking about the fair and that people
60 volunteered to do bits and pieces, I did not volunteer to