Day 261 - 12 Jun 96 - Page 09

     2   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Were you actually given instructions to go
     3        back to the next meeting, or did you just carry on of your
     4        own volition going to meetings and reporting on them until
     5        you were told to pull out?  Can you remember?  You
     6        reported -----
     7        A.  Yes, I understand.
     9   Q.   You reported on the following day, by and large, after a
    10        particular meeting?
    11        A.  Yes.
    13   Q.   Was there then an instruction: "We would like you to go
    14        back to the next meeting", or did you just choose for
    15        yourself?
    16        A.  No.  As far as I can recall, I would have been told
    17        which meetings to attend.
    19   MS. STEEL:   On the following page, you go on: "As stated" --
    20        presumably, that is in a part that is blanked out, because
    21        it is not in the notes that we have got -- "the meeting
    22        ended at 22" -----
    24   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What did you say?  Let us check with that,
    25        because it may be important later.  Do you see what
    26        Ms. Steel ---
    27        A.  Yes, I understand.
    29   Q.   -- is referring to?
    30        A.  Yes.  Unfortunately, I have no idea what is in the
    31        blanked -- or what was in the blanked out part.
    33   MS. STEEL:   You probably would not have put "as stated" unless
    34        you had already stated it?
    35        A.  I would, presumably, have said that the meeting ended
    36        at whenever it was, 22.00 hours.
    38   Q.  "As stated, the meeting ended at 22.00 hours and only four
    39        people went to the Eliza Doolittle public house.  These
    40        were myself, Shelley, Kathy and, later, Charlie.  He, too,
    41        seemed to be more reserved than normal.  The only items of
    42        interest from the whole meeting was as follows" -- and then
    43        what is going on.
    45        There are details of a picket which was being organised by
    46        Dalston -- sorry, by Hackney and Islington Animal Rights
    47        group, knocked down, as you previously recorded; and that
    48        is a picket on 16th October of Dalston Junction
    49        McDonald's.  Then there is a list of London Greenpeace
    50        pickets? 
    51        A.  Yes. 
    53   Q.   Actually, are you sure that the first one of those was
    54        London Greenpeace, as opposed to Hackney and Islington?
    55        A.  I cannot be sure now one way or the other.
    57   Q.   Then there are two other pickets, and you have a note
    58        saying that the timings may not be accurate.  Subject to
    59        those corrections, that is your recollection, is it?
    60        A.  Yes.

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