Day 262 - 13 Jun 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Thursday, 13th June, 1996
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I think your Lordship knows that the
     4        argument will not be till two o'clock.  I am quite happy
     5        with that.
     7        The other thing is this: I ought to tell your Lordship that
     8        we propose to change the order of our publication witnesses
     9        to this extent, that, since it is clear to us that
    10        Mr. Pocklington may not even finish today, since
    11        Mr. Russell has already made arrangements to come up and
    12        stay overnight in London in preparation for tomorrow, and
    13        since that would mean that even if we finished Mr. Russell
    14        tomorrow (which I hope we shall) we would only just get
    15        started with Mr. Clare and he would be cutting -- sorry, I
    16        have put it wrongly -- if we start Mr. Clare tomorrow, we
    17        shall not finish him.  We would not reach Mr. Russell.
    18        I am proposing to call Mr. Russell tomorrow as arranged,
    19        and to try and bring Mr. Clare in next week on Tuesday or
    20        Wednesday.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Well, if it is possible to finish
    23        Mr. Pocklington this morning, well and good.  Let us see
    24        how we go.
    26                  ANTONY ROY POCKLINGTON, recalled
    27            Cross-examination by the Defendants, continued
    29   MS. STEEL:   We had finished 2nd November; is that right?
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Well, I think you have, because my last set
    32        of notes are in relation to 2nd November, and I think we
    33        went on until you said you had finished that particular
    34        day.
    36   MS. STEEL:   OK.  If you could find the notes of 9th November,
    37        please?  I realised I have not actually got -----
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is page 26.
    41   MS. STEEL:   Sorry.  It is my notes of questions that I have not
    42        got out.
    44        (To the witness)  You have made a note that at this meeting
    45        Jan, Jane was there, John was there, me, Ben, Ollie, Dave;
    46        and you said that Jonathan made a brief appearance and was
    47        very vocal for the short time he was present; yes?  Sorry,
    48        the "Dave" that was referred to in there is not Mr. Morris;
    49        it is another Dave.  Then, at 8.15 p.m., Paul Gravett
    50        arrived; is that right? 
    51        A.  That is correct, yes. 
    53   Q.   "The meeting was very brief and client company were
    54        mentioned rarely."  Then there is reference to the letter
    55        stage of the meeting.  That is a correct note, is it, of
    56        the meeting; you would stand by what you have written
    57        there, that the meeting was very brief and the client
    58        company (i.e. McDonald's) were mentioned only rarely?
    59        A.  Yes, yes.

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