Day 262 - 13 Jun 96 - Page 03

     1   Q.   Also, letters to Greenpeace International were forwarded
     2        on, those.....
     4   MR. MORRIS:  Is that correct, yes?
     5        A.  Yes, that is correct.
     7   MS. STEEL:   If you have put it in this way, "client company
     8        were mentioned very rarely", is it likely that the only
     9        mention was really during the letter stage of the meeting,
    10        somebody might have read out a letter which came from
    11        somebody which mentioned McDonald's, or something like
    12        that?
    13        A.  That is possible.  I really could not say at this
    14        stage.  "Mentioned rarely" means obviously it did not
    15        figure very greatly in whatever happened.
    17   Q.   But it would not have been a subject, like a big
    18        discussion, or anything like that?
    19        A.  Well, it is unlikely, no, no; mentioned rarely.
    21   Q.   In actual fact, on the next page you said:
    23        "During the meeting, little of any relevance to this case
    24        was discussed, but the following two points did emerge.
    25        One letter received, which I did not see, was from a record
    26        company called One Little Indian.  This company claimed
    27        that they were to begin a campaign of leafleting about
    28        London which was aimed specifically against McDonald's."
    30        Do you stand by what is written there?
    31        A.  I do, yes.
    33   Q.   That is likely to be what it was that you were referring
    34        to, only mentioned rarely?
    35        A.  I do not know.  I cannot say at this time.
    37   Q.   But that was the sort of example I was putting to you, that
    38        it was likely to be -- if you did not write it down as a
    39        big subject of discussion, that any mention of McDonald's
    40        was likely to be somebody reading out a letter which had
    41        come to the group which mentioned McDonald's?
    42        A.  It is possible.
    44   Q.   I think, for reference, that One Little Indian thing is one
    45        of the ones that is in the words complained of that
    46        Mr. Nicholson was asked about.
    48        Then you have also made a note that John was described as
    49        the treasurer of the group; yes?
    50        A.  Yes, that is there, yes. 
    52   Q.   Do you still not remember John? 
    53        A.  I cannot picture him, no, no.
    55   Q.   If you get down pink 2, please?  There is a not very good
    56        photograph of him in tab 5, photograph 11, standing by the
    57        tree, but I cannot find a better shot of him; it is a bit
    58        blurred there.
    59        A.  Yes.  The photocopy is not particularly good here,
    60        either.

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