Day 262 - 13 Jun 96 - Page 08
1 Q. You said -- I mean, there were not any kind of formal
2 votes, or anything like that ---
3 A. No, there were not.
5 Q. -- people put their hands up and said for or against?
6 A. No.
8 Q. When I asked you about if I had said something significant
9 about it, you said you would not necessarily have made a
10 note of it. So, it is possible that I did say something,
11 that I was not in favour of the fair on this occasion and
12 that you did not make a note of that?
13 A. It is possible, but less likely, because that would
14 have been something out of the ordinary and probably been
15 more notable. These notes were made at the end, and at the
16 end, when I was making these notes, I did not always have a
17 full recollection of who had said what. Where I did
18 remember, I would write that down; and if it was something
19 that was out of the ordinary, then that possibly would have
20 stuck in my mind more.
22 Q. I am going to come back to that later when we get to
23 subsequent meetings. Actually, maybe I should deal with it
24 now. You recollect that at some stage -- it is in your
25 notes and I think it is in your statement -- it was decided
26 that the anti-McDonald's fair should not take place, that
27 there should be a London Greenpeace fair which would
28 incorporate the anti-McDonald's fair; yes?
29 A. Yes, I recall that.
31 Q. Do you recollect how that came about?
32 A. No, I do not precisely. My impression was that the
33 general feeling was that a lot of time and effort had been
34 spent exclusively on McDonald's and that people wanted to
35 do other things as well; there were other things that were
36 important to them as well.
38 Q. Do you recollect that it was Mr. Gravett who was very keen
39 on having another anti-McDonald's fair and that other
40 people felt that it was time to move on; some people
41 thought there should not be a fair at all; and other people
42 thought that if there was going to be a fair it should be
43 one that covered a much broader range of campaigns?
44 A. That is generally how I recollect the situation. I do
45 not necessarily recollect Mr. Gravett being the one pushing
46 for an anti-McDonald's fair, but it is likely. I do not
47 actually recollect that specifically, though.
49 Q. If I put to you that I was actually opposed to the fair,
50 and I said that I thought it took up too much of the
51 group's energy and that we should be concentrating on other
52 things like organising pickets, and so on, for IMF, and
53 other events, would you accept that, or do you just not
54 remember?
55 A. I do not remember, no. I cannot say one way or the
56 other.
58 MS. STEEL: Could you get your statement, please?
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is the beginning of tab 8 -- sorry, 7; it