Day 266 - 20 Jun 96 - Page 02
1 20th June 1996
3 MS STEEL: Thank you for the delay. I am sorry about that.
5 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Look, if I give you extended time and say I
6 am prepared to start late in order to help you to get
7 prepared you must be right on the button when the extended
8 time comes and break off whatever you are doing in time to
9 be ready.
11 MS. STEEL: Yes. Sorry. Actually the witness has got some more
12 recent copies of pamphlets which were already in the
13 bundles, I think.
15 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, let us see where we get to.
17 MS. STEEL: They are just Health Education Authority pamphlets.
18 I will pass one to Mr. Rampton.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, do they say anything new?
22 MS. STEEL: Not really, no, it is just that they are the copies
23 that are available in stock.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That were--
27 MS. STEEL: Available and in stock yesterday.
29 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, well, if they do not have anything new
30 there is absolutely no need to refer to them, and if they
31 are significantly new we will have to look at them and see
32 whether they should go in at all. Do not take them into
33 the witness box with you, please, Miss Brophy.
34 A. Right.
36 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Give them back to Miss Steel for the time
37 being.
39 Miss Jane Brophy, sworn
40 Examined by Ms. Steel
42 Q. Could you give your name to the Court, please?
43 A. Jane Elizabeth Brophy.
45 Q. Can you tell us your current position, please?
46 A. I am employed by a community trust in the NHS as a
47 health promotion advisor on diet and coronary heart disease
48 in particular.
50 Q. And how long have you been in that position?
51 A. Two and-a-half years.
53 Q. Can you just tell us what your job involves? What that
54 position involves?
55 A. My job involves working with people within the NHS, the
56 primary health care team, GP's, practice nurses, district
57 nurses, dietitians. Almost everybody within a health role
58 in terms of giving them information and advice on how to
59 prevent coronary heart disease and any other diet related
60 diseases.