Day 266 - 20 Jun 96 - Page 03
2 Q. So you are advising, kind of, professionals on dietary
3 advice?
4 A. On current recommendations on dietary advice, yes.
6 Q. OK. I think if you could get your statement, which should
7 be in--
9 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is in a pale blue volume with a one.
11 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, I think it is already out.
13 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. Thank you.
15 MS STEEL: Right. You have got it there?
16 A. (Same handed).
18 Q. I will read through your statement and then ask you if you
19 stand by it at the end of it, and if there is anything you
20 want to correct or explain as I am going through it if you
21 stop me at the end of the paragraph and just make any
22 corrections or explanations.
24 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do not feel under an obligation to add
25 anything, but if you think that something is not clear you
26 can make a strong point or a good point in support of
27 something, do so. Otherwise this is just a form of getting
28 your evidence out in public?
29 A. Right.
31 MS. STEEL: Right. You said that you are a qualified
32 dietitian. This statement is made in 1939, so obviously
33 that was before you took up your current position. Yes?
34 A. Correct, yes.
36 Q. You say that you are a qualified dietitian. This statement
37 was made in 1993, so obviously that was before you took up
38 your current position?
39 A. Correct, yes.
41 Q. You said that you are a qualified dietitian with state
42 registration SRD. When did you qualify as a dietitian?
43 A. 1987.
45 Q. Right. And you are a member of the British Dietetic
46 Association and Nutrition Society. Is that just open to
47 anybody?
48 A. The British Dietetic Association is open to people with
49 registration in dietetics. All those people have a degree
50 of some sorts and they are qualified to give advice on
51 nutrition.
53 Q. You have a Degree in Biochemistry from Leeds University and
54 for over 5 years you have worked as a nutritionist giving
55 advice on healthy eating?
56 A. Bearing in mind the report was written 3 years ago,
57 yes.
59 Q. OK. But you confirm that was correct 3 years ago?
60 A. Yes.