Day 266 - 20 Jun 96 - Page 04
2 Q. Right. OK. I will read on:
4 "I have a knowledge and understanding of the issues in the
5 McDonald's leaflet that relates to diet and health and my
6 comments on this area are set out below. I have only had
7 time to prepare a short outline of some of the evidence
8 because of short notice given. Also I am currently on
9 maternity leave and have not had the time or resources to
10 make a more detailed case.
12 "In my opinion an average McDonald's meal is high in fat
13 (particularly saturated fat found mainly in animal
14 products), sugar and salt (sodium), and is low in fibre and
15 some vitamins which could lead to diseases such as heart
16 disease and certain cancers. The company's own nutritional
17 data demonstrates that the food is too high in fat" -- I
18 think it should be commas rather than -- "and according to
19 the current UK Government nutritional guidelines an expert
20 reports from around the world, such as the World Health
21 Organisation's report on 'Diet, nutrition and the
22 prevention of diseases'. (1990 Technical Report Series
23 797)".
25 You then set out meal combination 1 of: "Big Mac, large
26 French fries and apple pie and Regular Cola. Energy at
27 1283 kcalories. Fat at 64.4 grammes (579.6 kcal or 45 per
28 cent fat), and sodium at 1,488 milligrams". And then meal
29 combination 2: "Hamburger, regular French fries and milk.
30 Energy 707 kcalories, fat 35.1 grammes (315.9 kcalories or
31 45 per cent fat), (To obtain the amount of kcals from
32 grammes of fat - multiply grammes times 9 as one gramme of
33 fat equals 9 kcalories.)"
35 These figures here, you got them from McDonald's own
36 publication; is that correct?
37 A. A copy of the publication that was sent to me. Yes.
39 Q. Right. If you get down pink from the shelves behind you.
40 Sorry. Pink volume 6 (Same handed) and turn to tab 5
41 please, and in bundle, page 52 at the bottom of page--?
42 A. Yes.
44 Q. There should be "meal combination 1"; do you see that?
45 A. Yes, I do see that, yes.
47 Q. And looking at the figures there, is this the document that
48 you got the figures from? Actually, one says 706 kcalories
49 but that is only one difference, perhaps--?
50 A. As far as I remember, it looks more or less the same,
51 yes.
53 Q. Right. And then the figure that is in brackets about the
54 kcalories from fat and the percentage of calories from fat,
55 they were your calculations?
56 A. They were my own calculations, yes.
58 Q. Right. OK. Let us carry on.
60 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Sorry, the percentages in your?