Day 270 - 28 Jun 96 - Page 09
1 MR. MORRIS: In the bundle at page No. 3 at the bottom, which is
2 the second page of this day's notes, the central paragraph
3 reads, "The meeting commenced at 8 p.m. and 'the
4 chairperson' began by talking about the group in very broad
5 terms, stressing that there were no members as such but
6 that the group consisted of anyone who chose to involve him
7 or herself in the group's activities. He also said that
8 they preferred that the group remained without a specific
9 structure or administration." Then there was a very boring
10 speaker from the Council for the Protection of Rural
11 England, apparently, according to your note.
13 Would you say that is a fair or is that typical of all the
14 meetings you went to, that description? Was that your
15 experience, or was it just that one -----
17 MR. RAMPTON: I believe that Mr. Morris is going about this in
18 the wrong way, I have to say. The first thing, surely, is
19 to ask the witness whether she thinks that her notes are
20 accurate, instead of using it as a basis for leading
21 questions.
23 MR. MORRIS: All right. Is that an accurate record of that?
24 A. Well, my calling him "a chairperson" was not quite
25 accurate, because there was, as I have said before, no real
26 chairman as such. At each of the meetings different people
27 would just volunteer to sort of kick off the meeting, and,
28 yes, the rest of it is accurate; the group consisted of
29 anyone who chose to involve himself or herself in the
30 group's activities. There always seemed to be different
31 people coming and going. There were not always the same
32 people there all the time at each meeting and, certainly,
33 there was not very much structure. There was not any
34 structure really to any of the meetings. The only
35 administration really was that there was a volunteer each
36 time who made some form of notes of what took place in a
37 red book, I believe I referred to. But at this particular
38 meeting I do not think -- I am not sure if there were
39 minutes taken. I have not read through the whole of this
40 yet.
42 Q. Okay. Do not worry about that.
43 A. No, but that paragraph, that is pretty accurate, apart
44 from chairperson. It is my interpretation of someone who
45 stood up and sort of led the group into the meeting.
47 MS. STEEL: If we go to -- unfortunately, my numbers are cut off
48 at the bottom.
50 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Give a date, or is it in the same one?
52 MR. RAMPTON: Your Honour, I think they start on page 8.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. The trouble is they do not have numbers
57 on.
59 MR. MORRIS: 8, that is page 8 at the bottom.