Day 270 - 28 Jun 96 - Page 19

     1        he had to go to work at 7.30 a.m. the next day and Helen
     2        said that she was tired.  John showed me a key saying that
     3        if I ever wanted a key it was there and he placed it in a
     4        glass covered circular post just outside the office door on
     5        the first floor landing.  He added jokingly that I should
     6        not break the glass."
     8        This was, I think, your fourth meeting.  Did it surprise
     9        you that you were being offered a key to the office door?
    10        A.  Yes, I think I was a little bit surprised, but...
    12   Q.   What was your -- you know, what did you feel about this?
    13        A.  Well, I was quite pleased really.  I felt as though
    14        they were placing some trust in me, as though I was
    15        accepted as part of the group, enough to give me the key to
    16        the door or show me where it is.
    18   Q.   At the bottom of this page, as well as your signature, it
    19        seems to say Michelle Hooker.  Do you know whether or not
    20        that is -- well, do you recognise that signature or do you
    21        know why she might be signing your notes?
    22        A.  My feeling is she might not have written a report
    23        herself.  It might have been shown to her to verify as a
    24        true account of what took place at a meeting we both
    25        attended.
    27   Q.   Right.
    29   MR. MORRIS:  Did you used to see her after a meeting?
    30        A.  I think a couple of times she gave me a lift home
    31        afterwards, after the meeting, and dropped me off.  But we
    32        did not meet to discuss anything, if that is what you mean.
    34   Q.   A couple more things about this meeting.  You have said on
    35        the first page, page 22 in the series --
    36        A.  Sorry, page 22?
    38   MS. STEEL:  Bundle 2, page 22 at the bottom.
    40   MR. MORRIS:  It is just two pages back from the one we were just
    41        looking at.
    42        A.  Yes, I have it.
    44   Q.   In the middle paragraph in that first page there:
    46        "The wire paper tray was placed in the middle of the floor
    47        and we took turns to read out the incoming mail which
    48        consisted mainly of small groups or individuals requesting
    49        support from the group for the various projects, campaigns
    50        in conservation and animal rights.  For instance, one 
    51        letter was from a small group of people in Meaden asking 
    52        for subject group, that is London Greenpeace, support in 
    53        countering for a proposal to build a large complex where
    54        there was at present a considerable amount of wildlife,
    55        namely ducks, geese, swans, et cetera."
    57        And in the previous notes that we looked at, which is on
    58        page 20, in the middle of that first page there is a large
    59        paragraph.  The second sentence reads:

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