Day 272 - 02 Jul 96 - Page 02

     1                                      Tuesday, 2nd July 1996
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   You are going to call Mr. Gravett, are you
     4        not?
     6   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.  I just want to say we have served one
     7        document this morning that Mr. Gravett might refer to.
     8        I am sorry I am late.
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is all right.  I allowed the extra time
    11        you wanted this morning.  I did not want to come all the
    12        way down and find you had a good reason, but have your next
    13        witnesses ready to start at half-past-ten or straight after
    14        the previous witness, whichever is appropriate.  Right.
    15        Well, I will look at that when I am asked.
    17   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, it is only a brief ----
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I have put the Mr. Rensi video transcript at
    20        pale blue 3, section B, divider 21, not 16, as I said
    21        yesterday.  My index was out a page.
    23   MR. MORRIS:  Right.  Pale blue 3?
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Pale blue 3, section B, divider 21.
    27   MS. STEEL:  If we call Mr. Gravett.
    29   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you go into the witness box please, Mr.
    30        Gravett.
    32                       PAUL MARTIN GRAVETT, sworn
    33                         Examined by MS. STEEL
    35   THE WITNESS:  Can I sit down?
    37   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Before you do, get the volume with the pale
    38        blue spine and a 1C on it, please.
    39        A.   1C?
    41   MS. STEEL:  We will also probably need pink 2 as well.
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  Now by all means sit down.  Keep your
    44        voice up if you sit down.  The microphone just puts it on
    45        tape.  It does not magnify your voice.
    46        A.   Okay.
    48   MS. STEEL:  I am not quite sure where the witness' statement is
    49        actually because I have got mine loose.
    51   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is in the pale blue 1C.  It should be at
    52        divider 3.  It is probably easier if you put it up in front
    53        of you by the microphone.  That is right.
    55   MS. STEEL:  You have got a statement dated 26th July 1993.
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You had better ask Mr. Gravett his full
    58        name.
    60   MS. STEEL:  Sorry.  Mr. Gravett, would you give your full name

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