Day 275 - 08 Jul 96 - Page 15
1 anything new. They were all things I had heard before from
2 various sources, and I believed they were true.
4 I can remember some specific things that I have read
5 or seen before we got the writs. For example, working for
6 the Big Mac, I remember reading through at least part of
7 that when I saw it in the London Greenpeace office. I
8 remember reading parts of "Hoof Prints in The Forest", I
9 also remember reading the Veggies' correspondence at some
10 time, and in fact I remember reading the article that
11 appeared in Peace News, which has been referred to in
12 court, at the time, or around the time, that that would
13 have been printed because I used to read Peace News on a
14 fairly regular basis. So, as far as I was concerned,
15 everything that I had read in the fact sheet I believed to
16 be true, it was all things that I had seen elsewhere, it
17 was nothing new.
19 If I just carry on reading.
21 "I have read a number of articles and books and seen a
22 number of documentaries about pollution and destruction of
23 the environment brought about by the type of society we
24 live in today, about the destruction of forests for paper
25 and other products, about the pollution of the atmosphere,
26 land and seas, involved in the oil/petrol chemical industry
27 and production of plastic based products. This has
28 included a number of articles specifically about McDonald's
29 use of packages, both polystyrene and paper, and the use of
30 CFC's and later HCFC's, all of which harm the environment
31 in various ways. I have also walked past numerous branches
32 of McDonald's and seen piles of environment/index.html">litter emanating from them
33 in surrounding streets."
35 Actually, I should mention here that the photographs
36 put to Paul Preston at the beginning of the trial were
37 photographs which I took in Wood Green High Street. I have
38 not actually brought them with me, I completely forgot
39 about them. Do I need to bring them in?
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do you?
42 A. Do I need to bring them in and formally confirm them?
43 I do not know whether they are in court, but I had
44 forgotten about them.
46 Q. No, I can remember them. If you want to say a sentence or
47 two about just when -- I remember what you put to
48 Mr. Preston, but if you want to say a sentence or two about
49 where and when you took them?
50 A. I cannot actually remember the date, although the date
51 that I said when I was questioning Mr. Preston would be the
52 correct date. I do remember that it was a Saturday
53 afternoon and it was Wood Green High Street, and that the
54 photographs that I took were a typical picture. I mean, I
55 regularly go to Wood Green High Street on Saturday
56 afternoons and that is completely typical, that there is
57 always McDonald's environment/index.html">litter always -- sorry, there is always
58 McDonald's environment/index.html">litter up and down the pavement on that street,
59 the High Street. It is not just on Saturday afternoons as
60 well, because I go up there at other times and there is