Day 275 - 08 Jul 96 - Page 16

     1        invariably McDonald's environment/index.html">litter on the pavement.
     3             I have also seen environment/index.html">litter outside lots of other
     4        branches, in particular the Haringey Stadium branch of
     5        McDonald's which is on Green Lanes in Haringey.  It is also
     6        not that unusual for me to find McDonald's environment/index.html">litter in my
     7        front garden.  I live quite a distance away from
     8        McDonald's.  I probably would not notice it if it was not
     9        for this case, but I do, unfortunately, tend to notice
    10        everything about McDonald's now.  I also at one stage went
    11        down to Kings Road restaurant.  I have actually lost the
    12        notes I made of this, but I have got a draft statement on
    13        computer and I meant to ask about this before I got in the
    14        witness box, because obviously I have not served it, it is
    15        not really--
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What does it relate to?
    18        A.  At the time when the witnesses concerning Kings Road
    19        were in the witness box I went down to Kings Road and
    20        watched the store for about, I think I watched the front
    21        door of the store for about 50 minutes, and nobody came out
    22        and went out on a environment/index.html">litter patrol.  It was one woman who came
    23        out and swept the steps and I then walked around the route
    24        that had been described by the witnesses in the witness box
    25        that the environment/index.html">litter patrol was supposed to take and made a note
    26        of all the McDonald's environment/index.html">litter that I saw, and a note of how
    27        long it took me to go round, and I think on the first time
    28        I went round I think it took me 20 minutes to walk right
    29        the way round, going up to every piece of McDonald's environment/index.html">litter
    30        that I saw, although I was not criss-crossing the road to
    31        check thoroughly, but if I saw a piece I went up to it as
    32        if I had been going to pick it up if I was somebody on the
    33        environment/index.html">litter patrol to get an idea of how long it would take to
    34        carry out the environment/index.html">litter patrol.
    36             That took me about 20 minutes and that was not picking
    37        up -- sorry, that was not going up to any environment/index.html">litter other than
    38        McDonald's own environment/index.html">litter.  So if what they were saying was
    39        true about picking up all environment/index.html">litter, not just McDonald's, then
    40        it would have taken even longer.  After I had been round
    41        there once, I then went around again in the opposite
    42        direction, this time not stopping at all just walking the
    43        entire route without stopping, up and down all the streets
    44        they mentioned, and that took me eight minutes, I think.
    45        And in all the time that I was walking round the routes,
    46        walking round the route in both directions, I never saw
    47        anybody from McDonald's doing a environment/index.html">litter patrol.  And the
    48        second time when I went round I did notice that some of the
    49        environment/index.html">litter I had seen on the first time round was still there.
    51             I cannot remember where I got up to.  I have not got a
    52        screen to look at.
    54   Q.   Well I think you got to the top of page 4.  I think you
    55        perhaps start reading in the middle of the second line
    56        again although you may be repeating yourself.
    57        A.  I have also walked past numerous branches of McDonald's
    58        and seen piles of environment/index.html">litter emanating from them in various
    59        surrounding streets.  On occasions I have picked up various
    60        pieces of environment/index.html">litter and put them in the bin and I have seen

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