Day 276 - 09 Jul 96 - Page 02
1 Tuesday, 9th July 1996
3 Evidence of Helen Steel, continued
5 MS. STEEL: I think Lord Vestey is outside, actually.
7 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is he going to be called this morning?
9 MS. STEEL: Yes. Did you not know?
13 MS. STEEL: Sorry.
15 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Did you know?
17 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, I did know. I was told by Mr. Glenn so I
18 assumed your Lordship must know.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, before Lord Vestey is called there are
21 two matters about scheduling. First, I cannot sit after
22 3.30 pm this Friday. If it is convenient to break off a
23 little earlier I will be only too happy to do so, but I
24 certainly cannot sit after 3.30 on Friday. Secondly,
25 neither the first nor 2nd August are terribly convenient
26 for me. Whilst personal convenience frequently has to go
27 by the board I would have to break an arrangement I have
28 made to sit on the Friday, so I hope, in addition to all
29 the other good reasons for not sitting beyond the end of
30 term, I have those personal reasons. But let us wait and
31 see how we go.
33 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, my Lord. Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Morris had a
34 preliminary discussion last night but did not get very
35 far. It is essential that they try and make some progress
36 today. Again, perhaps you Lordship was thinking of maybe
37 rising at quarter to four?
39 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, I will certainly do that.
41 MR. RAMPTON: So that they can get on with it. Because our
42 people have looked at it in some detail now and if we are
43 required to prove formally, to prove any significant number
44 of the documents, it is going to be a big task. We think
45 we can do it but we would need a lot of manpower and a lot
46 of man hours.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Let us wait and see. Yes. Good morning.
50 MS. STEEL: I am sorry about that, I had not realised.
52 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It does not matter. It makes no difference
53 to me in any event.
55 Lord Vestey, sworn
56 Examined by Miss Steel
58 Q. Could you give your full name and details to the court
59 please?
60 A. Samuel George Armstrong Vestey.