Day 276 - 09 Jul 96 - Page 03
2 Q. And could you tell us your current occupation, please?
3 A. I am Chairman of Vestey Group Limited.
5 Q. And how long have you held that position?
6 A. Two years.
8 Q. Have you always had involvement with the Vestey Group?
9 A. Since I started work, yes.
11 Q. Right. So since you started work, what has your occupation
12 been?
13 A. Working in the Vestey family business.
15 Q. On what part of the business?
16 A. All of it.
18 Q. Right. On the financial side or?
19 A. No, on the -- well, overall I have been a director. I
20 have not been a financier, but Director and Chairman of the
21 family company.
23 Q. Since you started work?
24 A. No, I was not originally. I was a trainee first of
25 all.
27 Q. Right. That has always been in the meat trade has it?
28 A. Shipping as well.
30 Q. You do not have any experience in other areas, or
31 expertise, or anything like that?
32 A. In what way?
34 Q. In environmental matters, or in anything else?
35 A. Well, we farm in quite a big way in South America.
37 Q. Right. But you would not consider yourself to be an expert
38 on environmental matters; we have had a number of experts
39 giving evidence?
40 A. No.
42 Q. No. About 1983, what was your position in the Vestey
43 company at that time?
44 A. Director.
46 Q. Director. Okay.
48 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If you want to sit down at any stage, Lord
49 Vestey, please do pull the chair forward?
50 A. Thank you, my Lord.
52 MS. STEEL: I understand that through your solicitors you have
53 been in contact with McDonald's and you have seen the
54 transcripts of David Walker and the letter that you wrote
55 to him, David Walker?
56 A. We tried to get in touch with you but there was no
57 reply, and therefore we went to McDonald's.
59 Q. Right. I am not attacking you, I am just--
60 A. I am not attacking, I am just telling you the truth.