Day 276 - 09 Jul 96 - Page 04

     2   Q.   Yes.  No, I am just clarifying what you have seen so that
     3        the court knows what you have seen and what you are aware
     4        of, that is all.  Yes.  Have you seen anything apart from
     5        the transcripts of David Walker and the letter that you
     6        wrote to David Walker?
     7        A.  I have seen the letter that I wrote and I have also
     8        seen the transcript, though I think it was day 77, day 78
     9        and day 80, which was not all the transcripts, but to do
    10        with Walker.
    12   Q.   Right.  Can you just explain the relationship between
    13        Vestey Union International, Wedell, Anglo and so on?
    14        A.  Union International was the parent company which owned
    15        Wedell and which owned Anglo.
    17   Q.   Where were all those companies based?
    18        A.  Union International was based in London, Wedell was
    19        based in London and Figorifico Anglo was based in Brazil.
    21   Q.   And how does Vestey fit into that; were they just generally
    22        known as the Vestey Group of companies?
    23        A.  Yes.
    25   Q.   So there is not actually a company called Vestey?
    26        A.  There is now a company called the Vestey Group
    27        Limited.
    29   Q.   Has that taken over from Union International?
    30        A.  Yes.
    32   Q.   The Figorifico Anglo, was that the only kind of Vestey
    33        interest in Brazil, or?
    34        A.  No.
    36   Q.   There was not.  What were the other interests?
    37        A.  Farms.
    39   Q.   Farms?
    40        A.  Ranches, yes.
    42   Q.   Who were they owned by?
    43        A.  The same people that had owned the Figorifico.
    45   Q.   So Union International?
    46        A.  Yes.
    48   Q.   They were directly owned by Union International?
    49        A.  No, it is owned through a family trust.  But, I mean,
    50        it is all the same ownership.
    52   Q.   Is there a name for that company?
    53        A.  No, there is not.
    55   Q.   So the land is registered in the name of Union
    56        International is it?
    57        A.  No, the land is registered in the name of Lancashire
    58        General Investment Company, which is the Brazilian company.
    60   Q.   Right.  That would have been the same in the 1980's would

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