Day 276 - 09 Jul 96 - Page 06
1 MR. RAMPTON: It is on the MGO50.
3 MS. STEEL: Yes?
4 A. There are 13 farms in all.
6 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I am getting rather slow with that one, I am
7 afraid?
8 A. Ribeirao Preto.
10 Q. Yes, I have got San Jose de Rio?
11 A. If go to Ribeirao Preto, my Lord, then if you go up the
12 MGO50 you come to Passos, around there.
14 MS. STEEL: So there are 13 farms?
15 A. Yes.
17 Q. Did you say there is one at Ribeirao Preto?
18 A. Do you want to go through all the farms?
20 Q. That is probably the easiest way of doing it, yes.
21 A. I cannot remember all of them unless I get some papers.
22 I mean, they have all got complicated names, Brazilian
23 names.
25 Q. No, I mean just the areas where they are?
26 A. They are all in this area around Sao Jose Do Rio Preto.
28 Q. Right. So those are the farms in San Paulo.
30 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The evidence I have is there are some farms
31 around Campo Grande?
32 A. Two, my Lord.
34 Q. Two farms. There are some round Sao Jose Do Rio Preto.
35 Can you remember how many are there?
36 A. Yes, nine.
38 Q. And?
39 A. And two round Passos.
41 Q. Making 13 in all?
42 A. Yes.
44 MS. STEEL: What about the ones in Goias which, as it then was
45 known, would include Toccantins?
46 A. Where is that? No, I do not think we have got any
47 farms up there. There are two in the Mato Grosso, the rest
48 in San Paulo and the two Mirassoi.
50 Q. That is where all the ranchland was owned by?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Was that the same in the 1990's?
54 A. We had a plant in Goiana earlier than that but it
55 closed down. We did not have any land. You can see Goiana
56 up there, but we did not have any land up there.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: A plant where?
59 A. In Goiana.