Day 277 - 10 Jul 96 - Page 03

     1        their statements, or whatever, at a fixed time before the
     2        beginning of next term.  That is to say, 14 days or 21 days
     3        or so, so that both sides are able to look through the
     4        statements, and one can spend a couple of days at the
     5        beginning of next term just tying up any loose ends.  I am
     6        saying that against the background that I am getting the
     7        feeling from both sides that there is a desire to agree as
     8        much as possible.  But the problem with what is happening
     9        at the moment is that the defendants wish to look at
    10        everything before they finally agree to anything.  They
    11        want to see it in the round.  They do not want to agree
    12        things on a piecemeal basis, and to some extent that is
    13        true of our side as well.
    15             As I say, ultimately it is for your Lordship to
    16        decide.  I only raise that just to alert your Lordship to
    17        that particular problem.  I do not know what your
    18        Lordship's view on it is.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL: How long would it take you actually, do you
    21        anticipate, to call your evidence if you had to prove
    22        substantial parts of the documents, numbers of the
    23        documents?
    25   MR. ATKINSON:  It is very difficult to say because it would
    26        depend on which documents were not agreed.
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL: But, I mean, are we talking about two or three
    29        days or two or three weeks?
    31   MR. ATKINSON:  I would have thought two or three days more
    32        likely, two or three days rather than two or three weeks.
    33        I mean, I don't know whether your Lordship wishes to hear
    34        from the defendants but I--
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, I will certainly ask them what they wish
    37        to say.  But--
    39   MR. ATKINSON:  I certainly have the impression that they are
    40        willing to agree to 95 per cent of the documents and that
    41        therefore any that are not agreed are likely to be a very
    42        small number indeed.  The only thing -- sorry, but the only
    43        thing, just to be helpful, the only thing that I can
    44        anticipate there being a day or so argument on is if we
    45        were to say about some of the defendants' documents, for
    46        example, the newspaper cuttings or whatever, that would
    47        wished to be relied upon, we would have the argument about
    48        whether in theory it is admissible under the Civil Evidence
    49        Act, quite apart from getting any statements to prove it.
    50        We would, of course, get to anything that could not, even
    51        in theory, be admissible under the Civil Evidence Act,
    52        triple hearsay or whatever.
    54   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes.  Yes, thank you.  Yes, what do you want
    55        to say Mr. Morris?
    57   MR. MORRIS:  I think we largely accept what Mr. Atkinson is
    58        saying, although we might have a slightly different slant
    59        on it, and the main thing that would be helpful is there is
    60        a certain amount of what you might call 'horse trading'

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