Day 277 - 10 Jul 96 - Page 04

     1        involved in the exercise, which I think everyone has
     2        recognised -- you agree these, and we will agree these.
     3        The problem is, for us to identify the documents that are
     4        not on the list takes some time and the Plaintiffs are
     5        concerned that, you know, that the deadline is ticking away
     6        and they would have to basically go away and prove all the
     7        documents --  which would be an enormous effort and expense
     8         -- that they want to rely on and, really, to avoid that,
     9        it would be helpful.  We do not want to say 'We agree with
    10        these documents' and then later say, 'Now, will you agree
    11        with this' and they say, 'Oh, no, we don't want to agree
    12        that.  You have already agreed the ones that we want to
    13        rely on, that is your problem now'.
    15             So, we basically want to do it all in one go, almost
    16        like the mutual exchange of witness statements or mutual
    17        exchange of listed documents, a mutual exchange of what we
    18        both agree is admissible.  So, that exercise might take
    19        some time, but we certainly agree that 95 per cent of the
    20        documents on the list do not seem to us to present a
    21        problem.  But we do need to check, because some of the
    22        documents are quite -- there are a lot of grey areas of
    23        what exactly it is we are saying is admissible and what is
    24        not.  So, it would be helpful if, for example, the deadline
    25        could apply to the general 'how many of these documents are
    26        admissible' without any debate or discussion in court, and
    27        then there be some further deadline for the outstanding
    28        documents to be proved, which may be the beginning of, you
    29        know, before we come back for closing speeches.
    31             But by then it would be known which documents are, if
    32        you like, up in the air.
    34   MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, thank you.  Do you want to say anything
    35        about it?
    37   MS. STEEL:  No.
    39   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What I will do is, I will withdraw the
    40        deadline of 31st July for the calling of evidence, the
    41        withdrawal being limited to evidence required to prove any
    42        of the documents on Mrs Brinley-Codd's list or any
    43        equivalent list provided by the defendants.  Put another
    44        way, what I will not be prepared to hear after the end of
    45        July is any evidence apart from evidence which is required
    46        to prove any documents on Barlow Lyde & Gilbert's list or
    47        any equivalent list provided by the defendants.
    49             Do you understand what I am saying Mr. Atkinson?
    51   MR. ATKINSON:  Yes, I think so.
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you understand?
    55   MR. MORRIS:  I think so.  We have to do our list by 31st July.
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Not necessarily, the later you leave it the
    58        less amenable I may be to have having evidence in relation
    59        to it because I cannot offer any opinion on what my view
    60        will be, and I do not even know what documents you have

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