Day 277 - 10 Jul 96 - Page 14
1 A. Yes.
3 Q. And the poll tax campaign. I have written in my statement,
4 I have said that from 1988 onwards I became increasingly
5 involved with the antipoll tax campaign; would you say that
6 was fair comment?
7 A. I mean, I can remember that, certainly, throughout the
8 whole of 1989 there was a lot of antipoll tax activities in
9 Haringey, and other places as well, and that you were
10 involved with that, yes.
12 Q. Do you remember that I was one of the people who actually
13 set up Tottenham against the poll tax?
14 A. I don't know that I can remember that specifically.
16 Q. But did you get the impression that I was involved, if you
17 like, from day one in that campaign?
18 A. Certainly, for a long time you had been involved in it,
19 yes.
21 Q. Was that campaign, do you remember, very extensive,
22 involved a lot of work from the people involved?
23 A. Well, there were--
25 Q. From activists, if you like?
26 A. Yes. I mean, there were lots of leaflets that needed
27 to be written about advising people on what steps to take
28 regarding registration of, you know, poll tax.
30 Q. Whatever?
31 A. I don't know, the officials that came round door to
32 door, whatever they were called. Then, obviously, later on
33 about what to do if you were taken to court for non-payment
34 of poll tax, or things like that.
36 Q. What I am trying to say -- maybe I should ask a more
37 general question. I was involved with the unwaged centre,
38 yes, you can remember that. Was that something that you
39 recall that I was doing virtually every day, going to the
40 unwaged centre?
41 A. I could not say every day, but I do remember that you
42 had a very heavy involvement with the unwaged centre. I
43 mean, every time I dropped in you were always there.
45 Q. So you would?
46 A. We used to talk about it as well.
48 Q. Would you agree that my commitments on a local level were
49 extremely extensive in the period since you joined, got
50 involved with London Greenpeace?
51 A. From what I saw, certainly, your local involvement
52 would have been very heavy from, sort of, '88/89. You
53 know, obviously, I have seen you at the unemployed centre
54 before, the unwaged centre earlier on, '87 and so on, but--
56 Q. Right. You mentioned that, I think, the only thing you
57 could specifically remember me -- correct me if I am wrong,
58 but you said the only thing you can specifically remember
59 me getting involved with, since you became involved in
60 London Greenpeace, was?