Day 277 - 10 Jul 96 - Page 21

     2   Q.   What is the point of that little travesty, if I can call it
     3        that, in front of McDonald's offices?
     4   ?
     5        A.  I did not organise it so I can't say what other people
     6        had in mind, but to me it just represented the burger
     7        industry and, yes, McDonald's is a part of that, and their
     8        involvement in exploiting the environment and animals.
    10   Q.   And you would say the same, no doubt, about the cartoon
    11        which is in the middle of the fact sheet would you?
    12        A.  Do you mean the cow and the person in the burger?
    14   Q.   Yes?
    15        A.  Yes.
    17   Q.   Yes.  Now, you joined, I think you told us when you started
    18        giving your evidence, you first went to London Greenpeace
    19        meetings, in 1987; is that right?
    20        A.  Yes, when I got involved in the protests against the
    21        reenactment of the sailing of the first fleet to Australia.
    23   Q.   And do you remember the date of that?
    24        A.  I think that was around about April, May 1987.
    26   Q.   Yes?
    27        A.  And, I mean, I did not say, and I didn't, attend
    28        meetings regularly from then on.
    30   Q.   You said, I think, that -- and I think this is confirmed by
    31        Mr. Gravett -- you became a regular attender or member by
    32        the beginning of '88; is that right?
    33        A.  Yes.
    35   Q.   And do you think it likely that you attended roughly the
    36        same number of meetings during 1988 as you did during 1989
    37        and 1990?
    38        A.  Possibly.
    40   Q.   I mean, that is roughly 33 events or meetings in the course
    41        of 11 months that we have got, for the period we have got.
    42        Do you remember what events or meetings you attended in
    43        1987?
    44        A.  In 1987.  What, how many?
    46   Q.   No, what was the nature of the -- vaguely speaking, I
    47        cannot expect you to be precise at this distance of time,
    48        roughly speaking what sort of things you went to, what sort
    49        of events or meetings you went to for London Greenpeace?
    50        A.  My recollection is that, as I say, I got involved in
    51        attending some of the meetings and went on the protests
    52        against the reenactment of the first sailing of the first
    53        fleet to Australia demonstrations in support of Aboriginal
    54        land rights, and I think there was also some protests
    55        against Rio Tinto Zinc and a public meeting on that, or
    56        something, but I could be wrong.  But I do remember, I
    57        mean, I remember going to a couple of public meetings.
    59   Q.   Did you go to the anti-McDonald's fayre in October 1987?
    60        A.  I don't think there was one.

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