Day 278 - 11 Jul 96 - Page 02

     1                                           Thursday, 11th July 1996
     3          Helen Steel, Cross-examined by Mr. Rampton, continued
     5   Q.   Miss Steel, you told us, I cannot remember whether it was
     6        yesterday or the day before, when it was, that your belief
     7        about McDonald's and rainforests was founded on a number of
     8        things.  One of them is "Jungleburger", is that right?
     9        Sorry, I did not realise you were drinking.
    10        A.  That is one of the things I have seen, yes.
    12   Q.   When did you first see that?
    13        A.  I think when it was shown in early 1989.
    15   Q.   And another was "Hoof Prints on the Forest" by Douglas
    16        Shane?
    17   ?
    18        A.  That was a book that I had seen in the office and
    19        picked up.
    21   Q.   That was in the office?
    22        A.  And had a browse through.
    24   Q.   And another was "Death of Trees"?
    25        A.  Yes, that was another one that was in the office that I
    26        had had a browse through.
    28   Q.   And you said there were some press cuttings in the office
    29        about McDonald's use of ex-rainforest land; is that right?
    30        A.  Yes, and of course the book that my Mum and Dad gave
    31        me.
    33   Q.   Yes, the Edmund Hillary book?
    34        A.  Yes.
    36   Q.   And you mentioned the Veggies correspondence but not, I
    37        think, in that context; is that right?
    38        A.  No, I don't think so.  I am not entirely sure what you
    39        mean, but--
    41   Q.   What happened with the Veggies case was that McDonald's
    42        persuaded them to change the allegations made about the
    43        rainforests in the original leaflet did they not?
    44   ?
    45        A.  Yes, that's right, because they could not afford to
    46        fight a case.
    48   Q.   I see.
    49        A.  And, as I said before, the reason I was not persuaded
    50        by that was because there were any amount of things in the
    51        office that I had seen, including books and so on, that
    52        said the opposite, you know, that were respected ecologists
    53        in the field who were saying that McDonald's was using
    54        ex-rainforest beef.
    56   Q.   Well, now, would you like to remind yourself, I do not know
    57        if you have got your own copy up there, if you have please
    58        use that, of what the London Greenpeace fact sheet says
    59        about McDonald's and the rainforests.  This is a mock-up,
    60        one of those mock-ups?

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