Day 279 - 12 Jul 96 - Page 09
1 home.
3 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. Anyway, carry on with the ones in the--
5 MS. STEEL: In the article?
9 MS. STEEL: Yes. It is just, in the next paragraph, the very
10 first line, she says, "The second stop is Otto and Sons in
11 West Chicago", and then the next paragraph -- I think this
12 is also in her statement, anyway, but, "On the shipping
13 manifest that lists supplies for Otto and Sons, a
14 multinational corporate big-wig Con Aggerit, Monfort Plant
15 in Grand Island, Nebraska." The next part is page 35 of
16 the article which has got two photographs in the middle of
17 the page and a caption underneath about, in quotes, "Once a
18 spillage from the large intestines occurs everything on the
19 table, including the by-products, becomes contaminated."
21 MR. RAMPTON: Who said that?
23 MS. STEEL: Have you not got that page; yes?
27 MS. STEEL: The part that we want to rely on is the first
28 column, just the paragraph that starts underneath the
29 photograph, first photograph: "It is in the examination of
30 the head and cheeks of the slaughtered animals that the
31 first 'opportunity for growth contamination lies' according
32 to one long-time Monfort worker. 'The procedures are crude
33 and often hair remains on the skin, head, and horns.
34 Ingestion backs up (from the windpipe) and spills out all
35 over the head. Unskilled, untrained immigrant workers
36 often with no experience and little English ability open up
37 the cheeks to make the glands visible for USDA
38 inspection. If the workers remove the glands the inspector
39 cannot inspect to see if they hold evidence of disease'."
41 The next quote as well: "The head and carcass are then
42 washed in high pressure water eliminating visible dirt but
43 embedding bacteria deeply into the tissue. The head is
44 then separated into head meat - ears, temples, back of head
45 - and cheek meat. This product is then mixed with beef
46 from other parts of the animal, packed into 60 lbs boxes,
47 frozen and sold to fast food restaurants across the
48 country."
50 MR. RAMPTON: I would rather Miss Steel did not read out what,
51 in my mind, is plainly inadmissible material until the
52 ruling has been had on this question. She should merely
53 indicate which are the passages by reference to
54 uncontentious material.
56 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is fair enough. Give me the paragraphs
57 and the first two or three words down to the last two or
58 three words.
60 MS. STEEL: Okay. The next paragraph is the next column,