Day 286 - 24 Oct 96 - Page 06
1 distinguishing, because he distinguishes. It is itself a
2 complex mix of forest and other vegetation types in dynamic
3 inter-relationship and is in itself an area of very
4 important bio-diversity which, as he says, is being
5 destroyed by the cattle ranching industry, amongst others.
6 They are a major, if not the major, culprit.
8 So in terms of environmental damage, the rise and growth of
9 cattle ranching in Brazil is inevitably causing major
10 environmental damage in regions which have been identified
11 as of ecological importance by our expert witnesses. And
12 McDonald's have not called any expert witnesses at all to
13 give any opinion on Brazil.
15 Mr. Cesca said he was not an expert, and not only is he not
16 an expert but all our experts that were asked about the
17 matter seemed extremely confused about the designation of
18 rainforest by Mr. Cesca, the straight line across
19 parallels, one of the major roads that was built through
20 the Amazon, which served to underline his lack of
21 experience.
23 If I can just say that it was also quite obvious that
24 Mr. Cesca was not an expert on land disputes and effects on
25 indigenous people. He had not even heard of any conflicts
26 over indigenous peoples in the specific relevant areas that
27 we are talking about; that is, Gioias and Mato Grosso do
28 Sol. We are obviously concerned about other areas and, in
29 fact, we are concerned with Mato Grosso in general.
30 Obviously, the whole situation is very complex because of
31 the displacement of people, which we heard from our
32 witnesses. All parts of the map are relevant, but offer
33 some idea of areas that have been specifically identified
34 and studied because of the clear direct relationship of
35 McDonald's suppliers.
37 Now, in the 1995 annual report, McDonald's annual report,
38 there was a - I am not even sure.... (Pause)
40 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, the 1995 annual review or report, if by
41 that Mr. Morris means the Corporation's annual report, it
42 is not in the pink volume 3. In fact, copies were brought
43 to court. I think Mr. Preston might have made some
44 reference to it in the second batch of evidence. It was a
45 coloured magazine.
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have this, which is the - oh, no, that is
48 health and safety. I know I have got photographs of bits
49 here and there.
51 MR. MORRIS: It is not ----
53 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I particularly have the ones where I --
54 because I was interested in numbers of restaurants.
56 MR. RAMPTON: Quite, yes.
58 MR. MORRIS: That is exactly what I was going to say, that it
59 says in Brazil there are 263 restaurants.