Day 289 - 29 Oct 96 - Page 03

     1        is one.  So in fact in man the perception is pungency.  It
     2        is a mild pungency by my personal rating.  The second
     3        feature is that prior to the loss of consciousness there is
     4        a rather, I would say, profound sense of breathlessness
     5        experienced.  Actually I am not sure if that reference is
     6        right.
     8        He went on to say:  Putting those two together there has
     9        been research work which has shown that carbon dioxide gas
    10        is aversive to poultry and also to pigs.  If that reference
    11        is not correct, it will be ----
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will find it somewhere nearby, obviously.
    15   MS. STEEL:   On 19, 13, 12, he said:  It took in the order of
    16        two to three minutes for the chicks to die from carbon
    17        dioxide gassing, and that is the time to cessation of
    18        physical activity, including gagging movements.  He went on
    19        to say that it would not surprise him if cardiac function
    20        persists for longer; however, it depends obviously on how
    21        you define death.  An important feature from a humane point
    22        of view is firstly time to loss of consciousness and,
    23        secondly, time to cessation of breathing.  Obviously, we
    24        would say that it takes a long time for the chicks to die
    25        and that it is completely inhumane.
    27        On page 14 of day 19 he described how the chicks were
    28        tipped or dropped by the handful into a dustbin-sized drum
    29        where they are stacked up until the drum was up to about
    30        two-thirds full and then the drum was sealed and left for
    31        ten minutes.  He agreed that as well as getting doses of
    32        carbon dioxide, the ones at the bottom were getting
    33        squashed by all the other chicks.  That was 19, 14, 21.
    34        Obviously, that is something that we would also say is
    35        completely inhumane and cruel.
    37        Still in the breeding units rather than the broilers
    38        themselves, I raised this yesterday with the evidence of
    39        Mr. Pattison about the restricted feeding and just really
    40        that Dr. Gregory confirmed that in order to reproduce
    41        effectively broiler breeders have to be kept on severely
    42        restricted diets.  That was on day 19, page 14, line 26.
    43        And if they were fed to appetite, they would suffer high
    44        mortality from obesity-related diseases such as heart
    45        attacks, fatty livers and kidneys and prolapse.  And
    46        obviously, we would say that this is yet another example of
    47        the way that chickens are being designed or bred for quick
    48        profits rather than for concern for the welfare of the
    49        animals.
    51        Then he went on, that as a result of the restricted 
    52        feeding, he said, one can make an informed guess as to 
    53        whether they are hungry.  I think this is highly likely.
    54        They spend a lot of their time foraging, looking for feed.
    55        One example where that occurs is if aggression occurs in
    56        these blocks, which it can do.  The way of overcoming that
    57        is sometimes to scatter feed, that is put food on the
    58        ground. The birds spend an inordinate amount of time
    59        looking for food rather than resting.  In addition, birds
    60        kept under these conditions, whether scatter fed or not,

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