Day 289 - 29 Oct 96 - Page 04
1 will consume quite large amounts of environment/index.html">litter so they would be
2 eating wood shavings. So one assumes they are hungry. We
3 would say that that is obviously cruel, if the birds are so
4 hungry that they are eating wood shavings, which would not
5 be normally part of their diet.
7 Dr. Gregory agreed that the broiler industry is in a
8 welfare dilemma, that either it restricts the food that the
9 chickens eat, which could cause suffering through the
10 hunger involved to the chicken, or else if they do not
11 restrict the food then there are severe fertility problems
12 and there can be mortality problems. That is day 19, page
13 15, line 28.
15 He said that basically this dilemma is due to the genetic
16 selection for faster growth and heavier weight birds and it
17 is affecting the appetite of the bird. The reason that the
18 industry was choosing to use those types of birds -- sorry,
19 the reasons the broiler industry was using those types of
20 birds was for economic reasons, obviously for quick
21 profit. That was on day 19, page 15, line 30.
23 I will not do the five freedom ones just yet. I will come
24 back to that. If we go on to the sheet entitled
25 'Broilers'.
27 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, just pause a moment. (Pause) Yes?
29 MS. STEEL: Just that this is in relation to what I was saying
30 yesterday about how, in our view, the unit that Dr. Gregory
31 saw was not typical of the way that chickens were reared
32 for Sun Valley, and particularly would not be typical of
33 how they were reared by Sun Valley during 1989/1990, the
34 time of the alleged libel.
36 Dr. Gregory only saw one unit, and it was a Sun Valley
37 unit. That is on day 18, page 7. All the comments which
38 are in his statement, on page 4 of his statement, I think
39 it is, yes, page 4 of his statement, bundle page 230 of
40 yellow 9, about humidity, ventilation.... And I had better
41 apologise for all the spelling mistakes.
43 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Do not worry about that.
45 MS. STEEL: The food and drink systems are all measured
46 relative to the industry standards and not on whether they
47 are acceptable in and of themselves. And obviously, as we
48 know from the evidence of Dr. Pattison, not all the
49 Sun Valley units were the same standard anyway.
51 On day 18, page 7, line 29, Mr. Rampton asked Dr. Gregory:
52 "What in broad terms are the principal welfare conditions
53 that are necessary in the rearing of the birds in closed
54 broiler units?" Dr. Gregory replied that there has to be
55 adequate lighting, adequate temperature control, adequate
56 feed and water, maintenance of good environment/index.html">litter, detection of
57 ill health, removal of dead birds, treatment of any ill
58 birds, careful handling of the birds, routine inspection of
59 the birds, and at the time of depopulation of the shed they
60 have to be handled considerately and without causing