Day 290 - 30 Oct 96 - Page 07
1 novel experience and it would cause suffering in the sense
2 of extreme stress. She said that they did not think there
3 would be any doubt about that in anybody's mind.
5 She also said, and this is from her statement, that the
6 slaughter of broiler chickens is often unsatisfactory from
7 the welfare point of view, with the effectiveness of
8 electric stunning and neck cutting in question.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is this in addition?
12 MS. STEEL: Yes, it is an additional point. It is from her
13 statement. She referred to a report in 1993 by Compassion
14 in World Farming, a report on the welfare at slaughter of
15 broiler chickens, and Dr. Henry Carter, in the foreword to
16 this report, and he is the past president of the Royal
17 College of Veterinary Surgeons and chairman of the European
18 Conference Group on the Protection of Farm Animals, he
19 wrote in his foreword: This report by the Compassion in
20 World Farming Trust highlights the fact that the procedures
21 in far too many poultry slaughter houses do not ensure that
22 the birds are adequately stunned, leaving an unknown number
23 alive and some still conscious when they enter the scalding
24 tank. Obviously, we say that the stunning and slaughter
25 methods at Sun Valley have been shown to be completely
26 inadequate, so that applies to them as well. (Pause)
28 I am just checking my note. (Pause)
30 Relating to the slaughter process, she said about the
31 practice at Sun Valley of severing the spinal cord. She
32 referred to a British Poultry Science Report 1986, produced
33 by Gregory and Wotton, which said that severing the spinal
34 cord is probably the neck cutting method of choice in many
35 processing plants because it facilitates feather release at
36 plucking. She said: "Which I think shows that some poultry
37 slaughter is putting economic considerations well in
38 advance of humane considerations". That was on day 109,
39 page 16.
41 Can I just refer to day 109, page 10 of the transcripts,
42 when I asked Mrs. Druce about the fact that Sun Valley were
43 not complying with the Codes of Practice in relation to the
44 slaughter in terms of either using a stun kill method or
45 cutting both carotid arteries. She said she thought it was
46 a very serious matter because the system used at Sun Valley
47 does seem to be open to a great many mistakes, and of
48 course if these were proved at any point the fact that they
49 were not taking any notice of the Codes of Practice would
50 go against them in a court of law very badly, so I think it
51 is a very serious matter.
53 And then I asked: "So it is not actually an offence not to
54 comply with the Codes of Practice?" She said: No, but it
55 would be something that would be taken into consideration
56 if they were accused of an offence.
58 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Is that page 10?
60 MS. STEEL: Yes, that is all on page 10. On that page, she