Day 291 - 31 Oct 96 - Page 04
1 stunned effectively.
3 Mr. Bowes claimed that Dr. Gregory's figure was wrong,
4 because he had not taken into account the fact that Bowes
5 sprayed the piglets with water before stunning, which he
6 said improved the conductivity. But the evidence in the
7 case on day 96, page 48, this was with reference to the
8 Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food guidelines, it
9 says to take care to ensure that an animal does not receive
10 an electric shock before the electrodes are applied.
11 Animals with wet skins may receive an electric shock by
12 contact with the animal being stunned or with those sides
13 of the tongs which are live.
15 There was also reference to the fact that if the pigs were
16 wet, then the electricity could track around the body of
17 the pig rather than going through the head and causing an
18 effective stun. That was on day 114, Mr. Long made
19 reference to the point about the electric current tracking
20 around the pig rather than going through it if the pig was
21 wet. And also he referred to it on day 115, page 7, line
22 43.
24 Can I just say something else about the calculations which
25 Dr. Gregory made about the current being used to stun the
26 pigs being 0.45 amps. On day 20, page 69, he referred to
27 his report, which we had in court, and he said: "With a
28 neck application there is a risk that the current will
29 immobilise the pig through its effect on the spinal cord
30 without rendering it instantaneously insensible. Under the
31 circumstances, it was not possible to determine whether
32 this was more than a risk. To test this, one would have to
33 ask the slaughter man to stun the pig briefly ----
35 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is the bit I read to you yesterday
36 afternoon.
38 MS. STEEL: Well, anyway, underneath that, I asked: "Based on
39 the knowledge that had been undertaken, based on your
40 scientific knowledge, would you expect that practice to
41 have caused some amount of pain?" He said: "I would have
42 expected, based on our experience, that a proportion of
43 pigs would not be instantaneously stunned. They would get
44 the current through the neck instead and it would cause
45 them pain, it could certainly cause them distress."
47 MR. JUSTICE BELL: That is the bit I read out yesterday.
49 MS. STEEL: Right. Mr. Bowes, when he was giving evidence,
50 asserted that Dr. Gregory had got it wrong because his
51 calculation, or the assumption about the impedance or
52 resistance in a pig's head was the wrong figure, and he
53 referred to figures from the Meat and Livestock Commission,
54 what he asserted were some figures from the Meat and
55 Livestock Commission, and we say that you should completely
56 disregard those figures which were supposed to be from the
57 Meat and Livestock Commission.
59 The documents were handed to us and Mr. Bowes stated: "On
60 behalf of the Meat and Livestock Commission I would like to