Day 291 - 31 Oct 96 - Page 05

     1        apologise for their computer.  It described pigs as sheep
     2        on here."  He also said about that document on page 46,
     3        line 49:  "I apologise for the computer at Milton Keynes,
     4        also part of..." -- well, he was asked why the document
     5        said sheep when it was supposed to be about pigs, and he
     6        said:  "I apologise for the computer at Milton Keynes, also
     7        part of work so that it should be anonymous as well in
     8        describing pigs as sheep also."  We say that is just
     9        completely ludicrous.
    11        He says on page 47, line 30 that it was the Meat and
    12        Livestock Commission that made the measurements.  So it was
    13        not him.  He was asked to explain the document and he said
    14        he was not an electrician but he was told and if he could
    15        try and explain how it had been explained to him and he
    16        went on ----
    18   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which day are you on?
    20   MS. STEEL:   Sorry, this is all day 88.  Sorry, I thought I said
    21        that.  It is quite clear that his entire evidence about
    22        this document was based on hearsay, and bearing in mind the
    23        fact that it was entitled "sheep" when it was supposed to
    24        be about pigs, we say that it would be completely unsafe to
    25        take any notice whatsoever of that document without it
    26        having first been proved by the person who created it.
    27        Therefore, the only evidence about the current in the case
    28        is that from Dr. Gregory, who says that the current was
    29        0.45 of an amp and who agreed that that was under the Codes
    30        of Practice recommendations of 1.3 amps and therefore the
    31        stun might not have been effective.  (Pause)
    33        I cannot remember whether I drew this to your attention
    34        yesterday, but Dr. Gregory did say on day 20, page 71, line
    35        6, that he was not able to be a hundred percent certain
    36        that the pigs did not regain consciousness.
    38        There was also reference during the evidence of
    39        Dr. Gregory, and it is in his statement, I am not a hundred
    40        percent sure where it is in the evidence, about the fact
    41        that because of -- well, about shortcomings, about at one
    42        stage 2 out of 13 pigs had fallen from the bleeding rail
    43        and that they had to be shot using captive bolt guns, and
    44        it had to be done rapidly to make sure the pig did not
    45        regain consciousness.  And he said it was thought that
    46        maybe the pigs in question did regain consciousness.
    48        He also went on to say that on account of the carcass
    49        kicking in the bleeding area, blood sometimes entered the
    50        stunning pen.  He said some authorities would disapprove of 
    51        this from an animal welfare point of view, although he 
    52        personally did not share that opinion. 
    54        But we would say that they are all examples of shortcomings
    55        at the Bowes plant.  We think it should be borne in mind,
    56        the point about what Dr. Gregory said about how the
    57        procedure would slow down when people were making
    58        inspections and people would take more care about what they
    59        were doing.  It is quite possible that if Dr. Gregory had
    60        not been there, that they would have just carried on and

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