Day 292 - 01 Nov 96 - Page 04

     1        and just a topic next to it -- I would be content.
     3        And this is the part which might affect Mr. Rampton:  If
     4        you handed any such list of matters to me, either in bits
     5        and pieces or as a whole, at any time up to, say, the last
     6        Wednesday of this term ----
     8   MS. STEEL:   When is that, sorry?
    10   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I think it is about 18th December.  In other
    11        words, what I really want you to do in these two day or
    12        three day stints, if that is what it is, is deal as any
    13        professional advocate would, not so much with this witness
    14        said that on such and such a day, but 'we say this is the
    15        meaning', 'we say this bit it is comment', 'we accept it is
    16        defamatory'.  There may be instances where you say 'we
    17        accept it is defamatory of McDonald's Corporation, the
    18        first plaintiff'.  You may have a query as to whether it is
    19        the second plaintiff.  Whether you think that anything
    20        about destroying the rainforest is defamatory of the second
    21        plaintiff, that is just being which company.
    23        You might want to just give me a couple of sentences on
    24        what you say the major facts are which are relevant to
    25        justification of that meaning or making it fair comment,
    26        and say 'the major facts are these and the major points in
    27        the evidence are these', and 'bear in mind this point or
    28        that point'.
    30        Mr. Morris made some general points to that effect on 21st
    31        October when we resumed.  I am not saying this is how you
    32        should do it, but it is an attempt to make some guidance in
    33        the two day or three day stint, as well as giving it some
    34        structure for me to consider, so I absolutely understand
    35        the way you put your case.  You can refer to some evidence
    36        if you want and/or you can take advantage of what I suggest
    37        of giving me a list of matters which I can take away.
    39        What prompted me to think of that is that Mr. Rampton said
    40        something yesterday about not primarily dealing with your
    41        comments, particularly on the evidence, but taking his own
    42        route.  And if you gave a list of those matters, when we
    43        still had a day or two of term left, he could always have a
    44        moment to come back to me on it.
    46        If you want to say anything about that, I suggest you say
    47        it now, and I will give Mr. Rampton an opportunity to,
    48        because I do think this is a matter, as I feel at the
    49        moment, where I should actually give directions and give my
    50        reasons for the directions and you know exactly where you
    51        stand.  I think I should do it now, two weeks into the five
    52        weeks, rather than leaving it later when one has less room
    53        to manoeuvre.
    55   MR. MORRIS:   Well, I mean, as you have candidly expressed how
    56        you feel, I think that we should do the same.  I am not
    57        forgetting everything that has been said in the past.  This
    58        is an absolutely monumental job that we are doing.  Not
    59        only that, it is extremely important to us and to the
    60        public in terms of our analysis of the evidence in the

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