Day 293 - 04 Nov 96 - Page 04
1 packaging witnesses back in history, whenever it was, 18
2 months ago. And the point I am making is, I always
3 thought, I did not even bother to check at the time, if you
4 identified, advertised, something as recycled, it is
5 obviously a hundred percent recycled content. But, in
6 fact, all this packaging has got the recycled -- wait a
7 minute, no, actually the small print actually says on them
8 '72 percent', in the middle. Well, it has got the
9 recycled symbol on it. It says 'recycled'. But I have
10 noticed on the Chicken McNuggets boxes, in small print in
11 the middle it says '72 percent', which is the point I was
12 going to make, it is not hundred percent recycled.
14 MR. JUSTICE BELL: There was some evidence that very little is
15 hundred percent recycled, because you have to feed in some
16 new pulp, otherwise it deteriorates.
18 MR. MORRIS: Maybe, yes. I mean, some things are a hundred
19 percent. Anyway, so I have kind of snookered myself there,
20 I have not seen the small print. Not that anybody would
21 necessarily understand it, it says 'CS 72 percent' in the
22 middle of -- they all say... Well, not all of them, but
23 some of them say 'recyclable', which, as we know, the
24 Advertising Standards Authority prevented McDonald's making
25 those claims when they were not recycling themselves. 'Hot
26 almond flavoured custard and strawberry pie', says it is
27 recyclable paper. So does the apple pie. Then so does the
28 fry carton - well, 'World Cup USA 1994' on it. So the
29 recyclable claimed we have already dealt with there. They
30 are obviously deceptive and considered so by the
31 authorities in this country and in America.
33 But there was one other example which I did not... Because
34 I found nine cartons I did not actually look for other
35 documents, but there was a series of documents, I do not
36 know if Mrs. Brinley-Codd remembers exactly where they
37 were. They were served to us more recently. (Pause) We
38 had a series of OCLs, I think they were, from America,
39 observation check lists.
41 MR. JUSTICE BELL: They call them HCs, or something, do they
42 not?
44 MR. MORRIS: One was breakfast meat/muffins, I am sure every
45 page is very similar in terms of what it says at the
46 bottom. It says 'printed on recycled paper'. Then it says
47 underneath that, this is page 2, handwritten 2 of that
48 series of documents that were served, '10 percent
49 post-consumer content, 40 percent pre-consumer content'.
50 And this is another obvious example where I assumed if you
51 say something is recycled paper it was a hundred percent.
52 And in fact, this is only 10 percent post-consumer content,
53 which, we would contend, is the public's understanding of
54 what recycled means. So here we have something that is
55 called recycled paper, but it is actually only 10 percent
56 recycled. In America, I think, they are forced to put, or
57 have in recent years been forced to put, the percentage of
58 post-consumer and pre-consumer content of the recycled
59 content. But it is still misleading that they can make a
60 claim that something is recycled paper when it is clearly