Day 293 - 04 Nov 96 - Page 06

     1        80 percent recycled'.  If my recollection is right, I did
     2        not bring the bag with me, in that packaging it says
     3        'recycled paper', but in fact it is not even a hundred
     4        percent recycled.  I am not sure if it says 80 percent on
     5        it, but that can be checked.  Again the impression would be
     6        that it is a hundred percent.
     8        Page 42, yes, that was the napkins letter, where it was
     9        implied basically from the supplier that there was no
    10        recycled content for the napkins before January 1991,
    11        because they were drafting up a recycled logo for the new
    12        supplies.  Page 43, fry cartons, zero percentage recycled
    13        to the end of 1991.  Then there is a number of - this is
    14        important in terms of the forest cover submission I am
    15        going to make.  Page 44, Persico was not responsible for
    16        promotional items, including happy hats, happy meal boxes
    17        on pages 50, 52 -- that is that on the right hand side of
    18        my notes there.  Tray liners, happy meal boxes, by the way,
    19        are very large ----
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Are they the ones with the little handle?
    23   MR. MORRIS:   Yes, you can see them with kids -- tray liners et
    24        cetera.  Then toilet rolls and kitchen towels, as well,
    25        they are not responsible for.  On page 45, he said they are
    26        not responsible for office paper.  So it was clear that a
    27        substantial amount of packaging was not dealt with by
    28        Persico.  I will come back to that later on as well.  There
    29        were a number of countries that were supplied by Persico.
    31        Page 45, the point was that he was explaining how they can
    32        switch packaging from one country to another, and from
    33        outside, for example, they brought in packaging from the
    34        USA.  That was page 45, pizza cartons.  On page 50 he
    35        described how East Europe was being supplied with packaging
    36        from Germany, and later on down that page, he mentions
    37        something to do with packaging from Canada, but I will come
    38        along to that in a minute.
    40        So the point we are making there, that is a different
    41        point, but that is the point we have made before, that
    42        there is actually no justification by any criteria that
    43        McDonald's should be using, or should have been using,
    44        ozone damaging material or indeed the term that it is not
    45        recycled if they are committed to recycling when they can
    46        move around packaging from one country to another across
    47        vast differences if necessary when it suits them, i.e., for
    48        economic reasons.
    50        So then page 55, polar cups.  What I have said there is 
    51        that polar cups, which are a large volume, I have not 
    52        worked out exactly how much, of virgin paper packaging, are 
    53        not supplied by Persico as well.  So that is another part
    54        of the calculation that needs to be added when we come to
    55        forest cover.  Then in 57, he says, "Corrugated was less
    56        than 35 percent in 1990."
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What is the end of that line, after polar
    59        cups?

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