Day 297 - 08 Nov 96 - Page 10

     1        you actually took the volume you are probably eating much
     2        more than in a high fat diet.
     4   MS. STEEL:   By volume you would eat more if you were eating
     5        more fruit and vegetables, but in terms of....  I don't
     6        know.  It gets confusing.  It does make a difference, but I
     7        don't know how to explain this.  (Pause)
     9   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   Anyway, I think for your purposes, you know,
    10        the proposition you put, one could take out the 'more food'
    11        and 'eat more food', the proposition you are on now is that
    12        if a diet is high in fat you consume more calories.
    14   MS. STEEL:   I agree with you in one way, but I think the thing
    15        about eating more food is that when you are eating food
    16        that is high in fat you are getting a concentrated source
    17        of calories, and so -----
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is my point.
    21   MS. STEEL:   Yes, but it does not fill you up very well and you
    22        therefore go and eat more, which increases the amount of
    23        calories you need, which...  I can see what you are getting
    24        at.
    26   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I must say, my experience is completely the
    27        opposite.  If I eat a meal with meat in it, my portions are
    28        much smaller than if I eat something which is either
    29        totally or almost entirely vegetarian.  It may be that if
    30        one has portions the same size, you get more fibre out of
    31        the entirely or virtually vegetarian dish.  I have that
    32        point very much in mind.  In so far as one is saying, for
    33        this purpose, bulk equals fibre or fibre equals bulk, then
    34        I follow the point.  And that may be a different point.
    36        Anyway, I think I have got the measure of it.  It was just
    37        in case I was missing something in the 'more food'.  I do
    38        not think I am.  I have got the point about more calories.
    40   MS. STEEL:   Yes, I think -----
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Well, I think I have got the point
    43        generally.  There we are.
    45   MS. STEEL:   I think it would depend on what type of meat you
    46        were eating, whether or not it was something high in fat,
    47        but things like hamburgers and sugared buns, and what have
    48        you, are very easy to eat quickly and they do not fill you
    49        up for a very great length of time, with the consequence
    50        that you then go back a couple of hours later starting to
    51        feel hungry and you eat something else.
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  If what you are saying is that, to use a
    54        common colloquialism, the food you eat takes time to get to
    55        the hungry bit, as it were, and you can take on more
    56        calories from a meat based diet more quickly so that by the
    57        time it gets to the hungry bit you have eaten too much,
    58        whereas if you are gnawing away at your apples or whatever
    59        or your grains, you are taking it on board more slowly and
    60        some of it will get to the hungry bit before you have eaten

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