Day 301 - 15 Nov 96 - Page 22
2 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is really up to the last few words of the
3 paragraph, is it not?
5 MR. MORRIS: "There is no need to employ chefs or qualified
6 staff if anybody is prepared to work for low wages", yes.
7 The point being that it is turning the tradition and the
8 art of cooking, and even waiting, as in traditional
9 restaurants, into something that is an industrial process,
10 just like building a motor car, and there is no need to
11 employ anyone who is qualified. Just anyone prepared to
12 work for low wages.
14 Then it says, "As there is no legally enforced minimum wage
15 in Britain, McDonald's can pay what they like." Well,
16 there is not at the moment. "Helping to depress wage
17 levels in the catering trade still further." We have heard
18 -- well, we know -- that McDonald's wage levels have
19 hardly crept up a few pence since the abolition of the
20 Wages Council. So whether that was true at the time the
21 leaflet was written or allegedly distributed, whether there
22 was a legally enforceable minimum wage in terms of
23 catering, but certainly McDonald's have shown since the
24 abolition of the minimum wage that the criticism implied
25 there is obviously true. Without a minimum wage the
26 already low wages fail to keep pace with inflation.
28 MS. STEEL: Can I say that I think at the time of the alleged
29 distribution there was not a minimum wage for under
30 eighteen year-olds. Obviously, they were getting a much
31 lower wage than the other workers.
33 MR. MORRIS: Yes, that is true. We will come to that with
34 Mr. Pearson anyway.
38 MR. MORRIS: I mean, obviously the under eighteens got reduced
39 wages at McDonald's, which is no doubt an incentive for
40 McDonald's to hire them, for managers to hire them. Then
41 it goes on to say, this is another feature of the leaflet
42 where the leaflet -- and I think this is an important
43 point, I do not know if we have made it before. The
44 leaflet does occasionally put McDonald's point of view in
45 many of the sections. It is not reticent in putting over
46 that that is what McDonald's say, they can judge for
47 themselves which one is more accurate.
49 It says here, "They say they are providing jobs for school
50 leavers and take them on regardless of sex or race." The
51 truth is McDonald's are only interested in recruiting cheap
52 labour, which always means that disadvantaged groups, women
53 and black people especially, are even more exploited by
54 industry than they are already. So it is not disagreeing
55 with what McDonald's are saying, it is saying they are not
56 telling you the whole truth. Yes, they are taking on
57 people regardless of sex or race. The point is, they are
58 taking on people who are willing to work, anyone who is
59 willing to work, for low wages and poor conditions. Not
60 willing, but who have not got much choice. That is a