Day 301 - 15 Nov 96 - Page 25

     1        On the one hand, the Plaintiffs may say, for instance,
     2        "well, look, these are a handful of employees out of tens
     3        of thousands or millions", and on the other hand, you will
     4        say, "yes, that is so, but what happened was a result of
     5        the system so it is likely to be happening elsewhere as
     6        well".
     8   MR. MORRIS:   I think you would have to compare it to the number
     9        of people it seems that we would have contacted, so if we
    10        contacted 50 people, of which 35 said it was absolutely
    11        appalling conditions, that would be a significant
    12        comparison.  You can't compare the 35 witnesses to one and
    13        a half million witnesses.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not know how many people you have
    16        contacted or what.
    18   MR. MORRIS:   It was virtually everybody we contacted.
    20   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What feelers you put out.  I cannot have
    21        evidence on that now.
    23   MR. MORRIS:   Right.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   All I am saying is, there are points going
    26        both ways on that.  I am not going to indicate what I might
    27        make of it, but numbers of employees might be relevant.
    29   MR. MORRIS:   Right.  This part of the case is absolutely vast
    30        and I have not had the time to -----
    32   MR. JUSTICE BELL:   I am not criticising you for it.  I rather
    33        hope, if I may say so now, that Mr. Rampton may give me
    34        figures on it.  If not, I can find them myself.  They are
    35        probably in my notes.
    37   MR. RAMPTON:   My Lord, just off the top of my head, I have not
    38        done it, I will do it, but off the top of my head I think
    39        the figure was 32,000, the latest one, the company's
    40        restaurants in this country.
    42   MR. MORRIS:   As far as we are concerned, what we are concerned
    43        about in this case is the McDonald's system and that
    44        includes all companies, which, in any event, are not
    45        independent.  They might be formally independent but they
    46        are all controlled by the operations manual and the
    47        supervisory managerial system.
    49        I will just quickly refer to Paul Preston, before I come on
    50        to Sid Nicholson, who was the most significant witness
    51        obviously on this issue.  Paul Preston said he did not
    52        consider the starting wage of £3.10 an hour for crew
    53        members to be low pay, when he was in the witness box, and
    54        we would say that is a reflection on his inability to see
    55        reality when challenged with it.  Of course he refused to
    56        give his own salary.
    58        He said, when he was asked why the company could not pay
    59        higher wage to crew members out of the one billion dollars
    60        profits it made in the previous year - it is now probably

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