> McDonald's is VERY wrong to give out toys based on gender. I think
> that in this day and age when it is assumed we are erasing the stereotypical
> roles of men and women, to tell kids that boys only like trucks and girls only
> like barbies is a very negative message. Since McDonalds whole point of existance is to make a massive profit for some very fat cats, they will use whatever strategy that will help maximise these profits.
Using stereotypes, to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, unfortunately is one of them. Unfortunately it sells.
(Why? Is it because the whole ad campaign offers a comfortable fantasy world, where everyone knows where their 'proper place' is? Or do people not care?)
These stereotypes fulfil a self - serving function - because people see these 'idyllic' stereotypes on telly, portrayed so attractively, they assume (subconsciously) that that is an ideal that they SHOULD aspire to.
It makes me sick.