: Just what exactly is wrong with Leninism? you have accused the participant on this page of spouting their own particular doctrine rather than effective change but you yourself begin by embarking upon a my ideology is the true and only ideology path.I disagree, i put up that post to supply the link to the final issue of 'class war' which calls on all revolutionaries to seriously look at themselves, their methods and how relevant they are. My attack on Leninism is based on the simple fact that it has been proven to have failed and if it ever had any relevance it was to feudal Russia not post-industrial capitalism at the end of the second millenia.
: Comrade all ideas have relevence because together they create a step by step plan for revolutionary society and ways it can be improved (or rather by studing the failures of others we can strive not to repeat them).
As I have said, some ideas are only relevant in showing mistakes. Leninism is, in my opinion, outdated and cannot be used to attain a successful revolution. What needs to be discussed is how we can. There are enough of us here who want a revolution so why not begin discussing the different ways in which it can be acheived and the society we will build afterwards?
: You are clearly an anarchist and I find that with your ideology a great deal of impatience is apparent. Revolution can not be brought about by individual often violent action. The stage of human conciousness that you seek to create will take years to emerge an can not become immediatly apparent through the abolition of the state.
I am an anarchist, although a highly sceptical one. But i want a discussion on the ways of creating the new society, what the new society will be and most importantly involving ordinary people in this. I could go on about the idea that this will take stages, but thatis returningto a different debate about Leninism. The point is that we are gtting no where against capitalism and how can we change this?
: Class war also implies the existance of classes and classes are created by economics which exist regardless of the state and would exist just as oppressively if not more so if you abolished the state.
But the revolution is about abolishing capitalism and true anarchism involves the abolition of all classes and the related power.
Please reread the final issue andtell me what you think of the points they were trying to make.