- Capitalism and the Alternatives -

Re: communism not the only alternative to capitalism

Posted by: Sean Anderson ( Australia ) on January 21, 1997 at 12:05:46:

In Reply to: Re: communism not the only alternative to capitalism posted by Joe on December 17, 1996 at 12:51:35:

> > Anarchism: n. absence of government in a society

> And then you go and blow it all with your governmental abolishment act.
> What do you think would happen to capitalism without government?
> It'd go nuts and eat you for breakfast.

Duh. To abolish the state it is neccessary to buil
"communism from the bottom up ", capitalism would not exist
as anarchisam denotes breaking down all hierachical structures.
Before you say impossile please note that throught he majority
of human history horizontal decision making structures have
been the case.
Spain iduring the civil war and parts of italy in the late
20 's are examples of millions of people living fror substantial
periods of time in anarcho - syndicalist societies.

anarchism faq

> Don't you think if humans where at a place where we were enlightened
> enough to survive without government someone somewhere would be doing it?

They are trying in parts of New Mexico - chiapas

> Without government of any kind all of the problems you've just
> outlined while denouncing capitalism and in failed attempts at
> comunism would rise up and swollow any attempts we have made
> to become civalized human beings.

> Get off your high horse and change things if you have a problem
> with them.

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