In Reply to: communism not the only alternative to capitalism posted by Paul Edwards on November 14, 1996 at 16:26:25:
First of all I hate to be in the position of defending capitalism and the
democracy that we americans have tied it to but you're asking for it with
your trite grade school reactionary stance.You start off reasonably enough:
> Capitalism in NOT a system of government,
> and what are commonly refered to as communist systems are infact
> simply corrupt forms of government - not communism at all.Sure it may seem that we're ruled by the system of free enterprise that
our democracy has set out to protect, but the truth is that we still hold
elections that have meaningfull results.> Communism: n. system of society with vesting of property in the community,
> each member working for the common benefit according to his/her capacity.ok I'll give you your quasi-Websters almost deffinition of comunism on the
grounds that you're not flat wrong, however much you oversimplify the matter.> Capitalism: n. system in which private capital or wealth is used in production
> and distribution of goods, for profit.pretty much how life would look in any free market.
> .. and it is also the system of economics that inevitably results in the
> exploitation of resources and people by a privillige minority. This is hardly
> something that we should aspire to or encourage.Ok Here is where you start going off the deep end.Capitalism is not neccicarily linked
with destruction of natural resources, and exploitation of everyone in sight. Capitalism
grants anyone (not just a privlaged minority) the freedon to make money off of their hard
work, and it's a whole lot more fair than most of the economic systems our great and
glorious human race has experimented with. If there are some (lots) of people who exploit
resources and people for their own ends it's the foult of the people comitting the injustices
not the system they live in to do it.(this from the posting to which our friend with the alturnatives was refering)
> > What has communism provided?
> > Lots of instability and unnecessary revolution since its existence.> No. Corrupt government, poverty and hunger have led to instability and revolution.
I include it in not because I have anyhting to say in response but because I'd like
everyone to see how little sense he ends up making.> > Capitalism is a stabilitating force that has enabled the followers of the
> > system to prosper, for the most part.> Ha ha, I like the last part "for the most part". Apart from being rather an
> exaggeration, you are also addmiting that capitalism fails to provide everyone
> with prosperity. "the followers of the system" might stand a chance to prosper,
> but everyone else must be exploited in order for the others to gain more than their
> fair share.Ha Ha, yourself. "for the most part" shows that the author understands and accnoleges
the limitations of our current system. I defy you to give me a historical example of a
system which ends up providing more prosperity for more people. Even if i can't spell I
can see that you don't have the faintes idea what you're talking about.> Your whole post also makes the assumption that communism is the opposite to,
> and only alternative to capitalism. Are you certain that is the case?Nice statement. You actually had me thinking you had a brain in your head after all!
There are alternative systems. The great thing about our country is that you don't
need an armed revolt to bring neew ideas into the political circle. You don't need a
gun to bring new policies into effect, or change the political climate.> Anarchism: n. absence of government in a society
And then you go and blow it all with your governmental abolishment act. What do you
think would happen to capitalism without government? It'd go nuts and eat you for
breakfast. Don't you think if humans where at a place where we were enlightened enough
to survive without government someone somewhere would be doing it? Without government
of any kind all of the problems you've just outlined while denouncing capitalism and
in failed attempts at comunism would rise up and swollow any attempts we have made to
become civalized human beings.Get off your high horse and change things if you have a problem with them.