Never mind that millions of these little blessings are malnourished and dying from the greediness of the food hoarders. Never mind that millions of these little blessings work in mines and factories from age 5.
Never mind that wearing a rubber isn't really murder...
Never mind that the real elitists/superiorists are the ones advocating unlimited population growth, except who they can kill in their wars and electric chairs. (Do you support death penalties and the US war machine, My good chap, Robert?)
Never mind that heterosexual sex is a far bigger threat to the life support systems of the planet, but that the body shame crowd has its sights set on the homosexuals.
Never mind that the "righteous" Lot filled his daughters' quivers with a couple of these little blessings in the story of Soddom & Gommorah.
Never mind.... Your not listening.
Mike, The Everett Citizen